Important Notice: Writer's Realm OPEN BETA Has Begun!
We’re excited to announce that Writer’s Realm has officially transitioned to a new platform!
While we’ve closed signups on this site, you can still remain here until it is closed for good - if you wish! You can also be part of the growing community and testers for our new site by joining us at our new home on
What does this mean for you?
- This site (the old site) will eventually lose the name and default to to help you transfer any important data.
- All current and new features are available now at, where we’ll continue to improve and expand the platform.
Join us now to continue your journey on the new and improved Writer’s Realm!
Thank you for being part of this exciting transition. We can’t wait to see you at the new site!

Welcome to Writer's Realm, where storytelling meets reality! We offer numerous platforms for collaborative writing such as personal profiles, blogs, forums, groups, chat box systems, and more!
Be sure to watch for announcements of giveaways, contests, events, and more ways to engage with our community of writers!
Enjoy your stay, we're glad you're here!
Visit our help page above for our information on our Terms of Service, a list of current admins, and technical help in regards to navigating the site.
Visit our Get Started guide for information on navigating the site, finding writing partners, designing your profile, and more!
If you're enjoying your stay here at Wrealms, get involved!
Vote for us! Every vote helps spread our site for others to find! It only takes a second!

Join the Wrealms Discord for out-of-character fun!
Our server is host to member artwork, memes, gaming, streaming nights, and more.
With the new site in Beta testing, ask your questions here!Β
Beta Site Q&A
Hello everyone!!! Im new here but not to rping in general although I have been out of it for a long time. Im open to write with anyone if you're interested please let me know and we can plan something out!Β
~ooc~ i be open to new story lines if anyone be wishing to begin a new one~
I hope you guys are doing well. I'm new to this site. I hope we can RP one day.
I am moving out Wednesday or Thursday. So hopefully, i'll be open to RP by Saturday. Friday, If i'm lucky.
Not new to the site. Looking to plot some story ideas. Page still being worked on. Β Looking for fantasy possible horror story elements. Β Action adventure. Β Vampires and werecreatures are welcomed.Β
+ Admin note +
Hello, friends. We are indeed aware of the bug in the Wrealms site chat. It's deleting recent messages and causing some things to scramble up. Thank you for your patience!Β
Hey everyone, not new here or to the rp world, looking for someone who does Fandom rps and is over the age of 18.Β No one liners but don't need a book either.Β Listed below are my Fandoms and the love interests I stick with for each one. Feel free to message me if you're interested!
Avengers- Bucky Barnes
Supernatural- Sam Winchester
The Flash - Barry Allen
Greys Anatomy- Alex Karev
Hello. I'm also new to the site and very happy to have found it. I'm hoping to connect with other writers and write some amazing stories. Thanks.
Hello I'm looking for someone who'd be interested in a single ship, but would also be in writing as one of the One direction boys as well. I have story line in mind if anybody is interested at all,Β if you're interested please don't be scared to send me a direct message!
But also looking for a group people who would also be interested in joining on this. Looking for siblings for Ravenna, Enemies, friends etc.Β if only is interested at all. Just shoot me a Message and I can give you more information on Ravenna!