Important Notice: Writer's Realm OPEN BETA Has Begun!
We’re excited to announce that Writer’s Realm has officially transitioned to a new platform!
While we’ve closed signups on this site, you can still remain here until it is closed for good - if you wish! You can also be part of the growing community and testers for our new site by joining us at our new home on
What does this mean for you?
- This site (the old site) will eventually lose the name and default to to help you transfer any important data.
- All current and new features are available now at, where we’ll continue to improve and expand the platform.
Join us now to continue your journey on the new and improved Writer’s Realm!
Thank you for being part of this exciting transition. We can’t wait to see you at the new site!

Welcome to Writer's Realm, where storytelling meets reality! We offer numerous platforms for collaborative writing such as personal profiles, blogs, forums, groups, chat box systems, and more!
Be sure to watch for announcements of giveaways, contests, events, and more ways to engage with our community of writers!
Enjoy your stay, we're glad you're here!
Visit our help page above for our information on our Terms of Service, a list of current admins, and technical help in regards to navigating the site.
Visit our Get Started guide for information on navigating the site, finding writing partners, designing your profile, and more!
If you're enjoying your stay here at Wrealms, get involved!
Vote for us! Every vote helps spread our site for others to find! It only takes a second!

Join the Wrealms Discord for out-of-character fun!
Our server is host to member artwork, memes, gaming, streaming nights, and more.
Happy Holidays! ^^
Many thanks! Happy Holidays to you too. :)
I hope you all will have a merry christmasΒ
Hello all! I deleted my account and recreated a new one! The whole coding thing made me throw a mini tantrum and I needed a fresh canvas.
I'd love a few new partners (18+ and detailed)... guys, girls, human, non human... don't shy away and feel free to message me. (I prefer romance in all my stories, but remember plot is above all else. )Β Β
Shoot me a message if you have any coding questions. I'm [relatively] available to help with it
Yes! I can't figure out how to get rid of the logo at the top. It's killing me </3
I am new to the sight but not new to roleplay. I am free if you want to do anything. I have no boundaries when role playing but if you don't want specific things please tell me so I don't do anything. =]
Happy Veterans Day - Thank you for your service!!!!!!!
Im looking for an 18+ lab rp if anyone is up for it.
I'm back after a short hiatus due to life and am finally going to be somewhat active π always looking for writing partners while I still have an open slot for threads. Would prefer a male writing partner to fill my last two threads