How To Find Writing Partners



This blog pertains to the top things you can do to get stories going on the site. Here are the step-by-step things to try if you feel like you aren't getting any traction in your search, and common things that people miss.

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1. Introduce your character

  • If you think about it, most people in new situations love to have an idea of what they are walking into.

  • Put some information about your character on your page to let visitors know what you might be interested in so they can decide whether or not your goals match up.

  • Even if you have multiple characters- put one or two in the description.

  • The profile description is also a place to display your writing level and style.

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2. Give your account an icon

  • Not having the blank icon will create more interest and also make you appear as an active member of the site.

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3. Do a little page design

  • Writer's Realm has a page editor that lets you customize your page. Use it to give your page personality.
  • A blank profile has a significantly lower chance of being noticed than one with even a customized background.
  • Note: Page editing is best done on a desktop/laptop. If mobile is your only option, then go to the browser menu and switch to desktop mode.
  • Want something more custom? You can also do advanced editing on pages using CSS. The Themes group is a good place to look, and there are site members around with knowledge of how it works.

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4. Posting in Forums.

  • If you've done all (or at least some) of the steps above, there's a higher chance that people who stop by your page will stay and read. Let's talk about the forums.

  • Write just enough information to give an idea of what you'd like to find a writing partner for without it being a homework assignment!
  • Include things like:
    • Genre/themes you want to write
    • A short character description
    • The length you usually write for replies
    • Availability/how often you might respond
    • Things you aren't interested in writing (respectfully)
  • Check for typos before posting.

Things to consider if your forum post is being ignored:

  • Is your plot idea too specific? Sometimes stories require a little flexibility with so many different characters on the site.
  • Is your post descriptive enough, or eye-catching enough?
  • Are you looking for someone to write a very specific character for you? Your chance may be lower if there is no one wanting to pick up said character, so keep an open mind about other options as well.

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5. Be proactive in your search.

We're writers. Odds are, most of us are all wallflowers who would rather chat about our stories than do the whole introduction thing. Posting in the forums and just waiting for a reply may not be enough.

  • Look through the forum posts, reach out and comment on those that sound interesting.
  • Go through active members on the site! Surf through different member's pages to see who might be hiding, but not broadcasting themselves.
  • If someone sends you a friend invite and you're looking, send them a message. Don't be afraid to start the conversation, they added you for a reason after all.
  • Find ways to make stories work. Can you make your character's details or settings a little more vague to make things match up with other characters? (i.e. turn "Gotham" into a generic city for a plot)
  • If you're having trouble getting any threads started, try something new and let it surprise you.

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6. Write a blog in the meantime.

  • Use the Wrealms blog section as a place to showcase your character or write a little lore about them.
  • Writing a blog will give people a sample of how you write and what to expect.

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7. Pop into the Wrealms Main Chat

  • The main chat is a great place for questions and usually has lurking regulars in it.
  • Pay attention to who is active in the chat box, they're likely active on the rest of the site.
  • Add to the activity! Stop in and say hello on occasion.
  • We won't bite, promise

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Lenny has been writing collaboratively since 2009 and has been with Wrealms as an admin since its start in 2015.

You need to be a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay to add comments!