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491 Years of Age ☨

Vampire ☨

Alignment: Neutral ☨


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Alexander's origin traces back to his human birth in the Czech Republic, a life drastically altered when he was transformed into his current supernatural form. Unlike traditional vampires, Alexander possesses a unique array of abilities typically associated with purebloods. Following his transformation, his sire initiated a process of conditioning by offering her blood, molding him into what he has become today.

Before his transformation, Alexander was a skilled hunter of the supernatural, motivated primarily by financial gain and fueled by his own inflated ego. However, it was the collective arrogance of their three-man team that led them into a fatal encounter with a den of vampires, resulting in their slaughter. In a twist of fate, Alexander's life was spared by a Pureblood Vampiress under the condition of servitude to her coven.

Relieved to be freed from his previous responsibilities, Alexander embraced his new role within the coven, honing his abilities and becoming a formidable warrior. He defended his coven fiercely, often serving as their primary enforcer and protector. Despite his former life as a hunter, Alexander found a sense of purpose and belonging within the coven's ranks.

However, a chance encounter with a lone huntress sparked a clandestine bond between them, threatening to expose Alexander's newfound loyalty. Recognizing the danger their relationship posed, Alexander resorted to using his magical abilities to play mind games on his lover, tricking her into believing she witnessed his demise. Unaware of the depth of his lover's abilities and the betrayal she would ultimately feel, Alexander's actions set in motion a chain of events that eventually led him to become a stray.

When his coven discovered his disloyalty, Alexander was forced to turn against them to protect his unconscious lover, leading to his estrangement from both his coven and his former life. Believed to be dead by his lover, Alexander now wanders as a solitary figure, haunted by the consequences of his past choices.


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  Charming  Highly-Educated  Twistedly Playful in Battle Serious  Collected  Secretly a Softy  Protective to Few  Late Sleeper For Obvious Reasons  Possible Monster  Loyal 

Alexander bears the hallmark features of a vampire, with pale skin possessing only a hint of color. His eyes, typically an amber hue, flare into a crimson blaze under various circumstances—when hungry, angry, injured, feeding, or experiencing other intense emotions. Unlike some vampires, his fangs do not prominently protrude, allowing him to pass as human at a casual glance.

Despite his solitary nature, Alexander holds deep loyalty towards those he deems worthy. However, his self-reliance over the years has made him accustomed to relying solely on himself. Highly educated and possessing a strategic mind, he often deliberates before taking action, typically staying one step ahead in battle.

A skilled negotiator, Alexander is adept at making deals, although his loyalty extends beyond immediate gains. He values long-term relationships and reciprocity, seeking to establish mutually beneficial arrangements. While he has made deals for various reasons, his most common motive is for blood, particularly favoring that of Fae, Sirens, and Pureblood Vampires.

Despite his preference for Pureblood Vampire blood, Alexander keeps this inclination hidden due to its taboo nature in his home country. Uncertain of how other covens would react, he maintains secrecy regarding his consumption of Pureblood Vampire plasma, even as he relocates to the United States.

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Single  Muses: x1  Heterosexual 


Alexander's romantic history is rich, having been a lover to many in his past. However, his last relationship came at a high cost, resulting in his estrangement from his coven. Despite the sacrifice he made to ensure his lover's survival, he hasn't actively pursued any relationships since. While he remains open to the possibility of companionship, he finds himself still haunted by memories of his past lover.

Although Alexander acknowledges the potential for love to unexpectedly enter his life, he is not actively seeking it. He recognizes the complexities of romantic entanglements and the lingering impact of his past experiences. While part of him may yearn for connection, another part understands the necessity of maintaining distance, believing his past lover to be better off without him.

Though not actively searching, Alexander remains open to the unpredictable nature of love, aware that it has a tendency to find its way into even the most unexpected of circumstances.




Once the love of Alexander's life, Valkyrie's relationship with him was severed by his manipulative mind games years ago. Faced with the threat to her safety, Alexander orchestrated his own apparent demise, leading Valkyrie to believe he was dead. Though this decision shattered any semblance of affection a vampire may possess, it was deemed necessary for the vulnerable huntress's well-being.

For years, they remained apart, Valkyrie unaware of Alexander's continued existence. However, fate has brought them back together, albeit under changed circumstances. Valkyrie now holds the title of the King of the Void, a position of immense power that surpasses Alexander's own capabilities. However, Alexander remains unaware of Valkyrie's ascent to power and the true nature of her intentions.

Driven by an insatiable hunger for power, Valkyrie has taken to manipulating Alexander by offering him her blood, unknowingly poisoning him and cementing her control over him. Despite her facade of strength and authority, Alexander remains ensnared by his longing for her, oblivious to the perilous hold she has over him.

Their reunion has taken a sinister turn, as Valkyrie's seemingly benevolent gestures of feeding Alexander her blood serve to further her own ambitions, leaving him unaware of the impending danger lurking beneath her facade. Music(Explicit) Music


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10242687075?profile=RESIZE_400xAlexander possesses a unique set of abilities that distinguish him from typical vampires. Unlike the brute force often associated with his kind, Alexander relies primarily on his mental prowess, honing skills that surpass conventional beliefs. His consumption of Pureblood Vampire's plasma since being sired is believed to have enhanced his abilities beyond normal vampire capabilities.

Iron will:  "Dance puppets dance." With a mere thought, Alexander can impose his will upon living beings, ranging from people to animals and even plants. This skill allows him to manipulate and control others as he sees fit. As long as it lives, it is susceptible. 

Dream manipulation: "Did you have a bad dream?" Alexander can infiltrate the dreams of others while they sleep and induce a deep slumber with a mere glance. Within this dream-like state, he can inflict both pain and pleasure upon his victims.

Speed Glyphs: "Just try to keep up." Alexander can inscribe speed glyphs at various locations, granting himself and others enhanced speed and agility upon activation. While these glyphs offer strategic advantages, they have a limited duration and require energy to maintain.

Lucid Dreaming: "Miss me?" By entering a sleep-like state, Alexander can project his consciousness elsewhere, allowing him to travel or engage in actions remotely. This ability enables him to interact with others and inflict harm while in this projected state.

Passives: Immunity to Mind Control  | Immunity to Mind Reading. | Superhuman strength | Superhuman Speed/Reflexes | Ability to Sire someone | Resistance to Sunlight

Weaknesses:  Poisons diminish his regeneration and cannot be cured without feeding. | Severe injuries impede his healing process, requiring sustenance to facilitate recovery. | Sunlight accelerates his energy drain, necessitating increased feeding to offset the drain. | The few individuals he cares for serve as potential vulnerabilities.

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Alexander cannot sustain himself on other vampires' blood unless they are purebloods.

He utilized his mind manipulation abilities on his ex-lover to stage his own death.

Despite his formidable abilities, Alexander lacks the skill to operate a vehicle.

While Alexander possesses the ability to sire other vampires, he has yet to exercise this capability.

Within a coven setting, Alexander is recognized as the Warrior or Hitman, often found at the forefront defending his clan's weaker members.

Alexander dislikes having his name abbreviated or shortened, preferring to be addressed by his full name.

Although he can consume human food, it provides no sustenance or benefit to him.

Ingesting the plasma of a pureblood vampire temporarily empowers Alexander.

Despite his guarded nature, Alexander has been known to risk his own safety for individuals he has only recently encountered.


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 Hello all, my name's Derek. I've been writing for about 10 years now. This is still oddly new to me. I've never played a Vampire before. As much as I try to branch out, it never seems to work. But, we're here, so let's do this.

- Plotting is a must before writing with me. 

- I'm fine with OOC chatting.

- Rarely will smut occur, if it does please inbox. I don't want that junk on my profile. 

- I don't reply quickly - most of the time. It's just how I am. 

-I can't and won't write with one-liners. I'm not asking for a book, but I need something in order to give something. 

- Want to be a Vampire? Ask. Let's make it happen.

- Have a really crazy plot? Ask. I don't think I've ever said no to any plot before. Probably the reason my characters become so complex.

- We should all know the basic rules of Rping/Writing therefore the only thing I ask for is Respect and tolerance for my slow replies. 



Character design was an NPC from Valkyrie, though I've made him my own with my own twists.

All headers are from Flaming Text

Face Claim - Miles McMillian

Alexander is voiced by - UC.



Character may have a bad attitude. This is not me it's my character. If I didn't like ya..... I'd just tell ya.

Possible Smut - Minimal if any

Blood/Gore - This is the Main one. 

I will not change my writing because you don't like these, sorry.

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Selective/Open

Comment Wall

You need to be a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay to add comments!

Comments are closed.


  • She tilted her head, she wasn't sure if she were asking if the cure he sought was for his own affliction or for someone he knew whom was afflicted with this... Void thing. Though whichever it was he'd ended all talk on the subject with one resounding word. Very well then. She could understand not wishing to discuss something, there were things Nascha herself wouldn't discuss. So she pushed that line of thought from her mind entirely. 

    She watched him check the lock, an offer to erect a magical warding, the kind of which she'd used to maintain for Eris back when she'd been taken in by the woman's pack, perched on the tip of her tongue. An offer she held back simply for being unsure how he'd react to such a thing. Swallowing the unspoken words, she nodded. "Very well." She'd have to call the caretaker she'd left the precious volumes with and notify them of the impending visitors, but she could do that in the morning. 

    Once she'd settled herself within the bedroom, she found she couldn't actually sleep. At least not right away. Her gaze fixing itself on the ceiling as her mind drifted from one thought to the next, would her families spellbooks contain knowledge of this threat? This Void place. And if they did would they find the answers her... somewhat grumpy companion was seeking? She wasn't sure. But she was more than a little aware that some in her family circle had practiced some...obscure things. And it was a starting point. So she'd hold onto some hope for now. 

    She must have passed out and some point, because she awoke sometime later, her stomach growling and an ache in her neck from sleeping funny. Slipping from the bed she crept to the doorway and peeked out, she wasn't sure if the sun had set yet or if her host was still sleeping. 

  • Legacy's eyes narrowed to slits as he reached out, his hand hovering over her head as if searching for something that wasn't there. With a flash of movement, her hand shot out to grasp his wrist. Her hold was hardly binding — he was more than capable of breaking free — but her hand was soft and warm against his skin. “Don't you know you should let a cat come to you?” She asked wryly. “And besides, I don't have ears in this form. Why should I? That wouldn't make me appear very human, would it?” Her words held a hint of playful chastisement. If he hadn't broken her hold, she released him and straightened her back against the metal wall. She closed her eyes, allowing the change to sweep over her. Magic sparked in the air, tangible to the skin. Wisps of black smoke circled around her form, darkening until she disappeared. When it dissipated, there sat a cat. She was a medium-sized cat with dazzling amber eyes that seemed to glow otherworldly in the dim light. Her pelt featured a dizzying array of browns and gold, with a little black and white mixed in. Her fur was plastered to her body, though she wasn't soaking wet. Her head bent, as if unable to control her instincts, ready to rasp her tongue across her chest. She stopped, tongue out, before giving herself a shake. Instead, she raised a paw and swiped it over an ear. Her whiskers quivered with amusement as she met the vampire's steady gaze. “It comes in handy,” she admitted off-handedly. Her voice, despite being in this form, was clear and perfect, though with a hint of mew accented her voice. Her words were laced with a feline smugness.

    He repeated his earlier question, this time a bit harsher, and it made the feline flinch. Her tail wrapped around her body, as if to shield her from the question, with the tip coming to rest over her paws. Her head bowed, though her claws slid out to sink into the metal. A low, rumbling growl vibrated through her chest.

    “Because we all want what we can't have.” Legacy raised her head, eyes blazing like a wildfire that dared him to say anything contradictory. “And sometimes, we do the unthinkable to get it.” Her voice carried a weight of experience and longing.

    “Why would anyone want to be a vampire?” She fired back, tail tip twitching. “Or perhaps you were changed against your will? Perhaps you wish to be human yourself?” Her ears flattened, before she sighed. The smoke rose again as the change drifted over her once more. It was vastly different from a shifter; there was no shattering and realigning of bones, no cries of pain, just a gentle breath of magic, before she appeared as human once more. She drew her knees to her chest, staring out blankly for a moment before she spoke again. Her voice was tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia.

    “I remember the warmth of the sun on my fur, the softness of the blanket I'd claim as my own. The world was simple then. Hunt, sleep, be adored. But as the years passed, I began to feel... a hollowness. Watching Nikki and Alex, seeing the way they looked at each other, the way their hands intertwined even when they thought no one was looking. As a cat, I could observe their lives, but never truly be a part of them. Their laughter was a melody I couldn't fully understand, their whispered secrets a language I couldn't speak. I felt like a ghost, visible but never truly seen. Had they lived, I would have spent the remainder of my life with them. But, after their death..." Her voice trailed off. “I made a choice when the opportunity presented itself. It hasn't been easy. This body is awkward and vulnerable. The world is vast and overwhelming. But in the chaos, I've discovered things I never could have imagined as a cat. Like the thrill of travel, of waking up in a new city, of tasting foods that would have been poison to my feline tongue. Like the mundane joy of buying my own food, of walking down the street without being at the the mercy of every stronger creature. They're small freedoms, but they're mine." She raised her chin proudly. “I've faced challenges I never could have anticipated, experienced emotions I didn't know I was capable of. There's been fear and excitement, triumph and heartbreak." She shook her head. “Was it worth it? I don't know." She bit her lip, eyes fixed on a random spot. “Yes, I made my choice to be human. And in so doing, I made a mistake I will regret for the rest of my life.” Her words hung in the air, heavy with a mix of regret and resolve.

    She snapped her gaze back to him when he mentioned meeting Agatha. Her eyes widened in disbelief, as if suspecting she had misheard. When it was clear she had not, she started laughing. Really laughing. The sound began as a soft huff, then rose in volume until it was echoing in the train car. Like her voice, there was a soft, gentle undertone to it. She clutched her stomach, sucking in air as the laughter stole her breath. Tears rolled down her cheeks. It took her a moment to regain control of herself.

    “You want…to meet….Agatha,” she chuckled, her voice a breathless whisper. “Sure. Here's her address. Do you want her number too?” She rolled her eyes. “I don't exactly have her on speed dial. Yes, I'm looking for her, but I'm not going to stroll right up to her and ask, “So what have you been doing all these years?” Though she tried her best to hide it, the raw scent of fear slipped into the air. It was a jagged undercurrent to her amusement.

    She heard his answer for what it was; he was a vampire who had no ties to any other vampires, thus he hardly cared about their plight. He cared not for others not in his immediate circle. That was fair and honestly expected. But a flicker of frustration danced in her eyes.

    “Yeah, well, Agatha is not likely to simply appear. Are you mouse-brained? I'm starting to wonder. She has what she wants and she no longer has any interest in me.” Legacy huffed. “Perhaps I could buy your services? I can pay you,” though, again, he was immortal. He probably had an olympic swimming pool filled with cash. “Or if there was something else you needed? Maybe I can help you.” He hinted that he had bigger problems to solve. Legacy could help him, if he needed it. Or try. She extended the offer with a tentative hope.

    As he explained the amulet, she hung onto every word, carefully dissecting everything he said. Her gaze narrowed thoughtfully. “Immense power…that will likely come from whatever ritual she is planning. Controlling people…that aligns with what she does best. The question is why.” She had no clear answer. “Thank you for telling me. That helps.” She had no idea how she would apply this knowledge yet, but it was more than she had a moment ago. A spark of determination ignited in her eyes.

    “I've never been to Russia,” she mused, quite randomly. She did enjoy seeing the world. Sadly, she hadn't seen even half of it yet. A wistful smile played on her lips, a hint of adventure in her voice.

  • She heard the trace of curiosity his tone held and was thankful when he chose not to push the subject, Nascha didn't like to talk about the massacre; the nightmares she'd lived with since, the trauma of remembering what had befallen her family...that alone was bad enough. But perhaps he may find his curiosity sated at a later time, once the wolven witch knew him somewhat better than she currently did. 

    She simply nodded, he knew more of the Void at this point in time than she did, at least until she did some research, so all she could offer was speculation. And sometimes silence was better than speculating. She noted the look of interest in his eyes when she mentioned her grimoires, her lips curving into a small barely there smile. 

    "Obviously I don't currently have them with me.." She glanced down at herself, with a rather rueful expression. "I can fetch them easily though." Along with fresh clothing for herself. As comfortable as his shirt felt; she couldn't walk around wearing so little indefinitely. The looks she would get alone... 

    Her eyes narrowed upon him, indignation colouring her expression. "Yes. Though...last I checked deities don't take kindly to sharing and my entire bloodline has been spoken for since well before I was born. I'm unlikely to deviate from that contract merely because I'm the last." She shrugged, the action causing his shirt to slip slightly; revealing her left shoulder and the raised red birthmark in the shape of two crossed athame. She made no immediate move to tug it back into place, her focus catching on what he said next. "Fascinating..." she's barely aware she spoke the word out loud, blinking and shaking her head a second later. "In a purely scholarly manner." 

    The words were added as an after thought, aware that he may mistake her fascination for something other than academic interest. "Is it a cure that you're searching for?" She couldn't hide her curiosity as to why this vampire was so interested in an entity that seemed almost parasitic in nature; yet by his own admission seemed to favour magic casters of which he obviously wasn't. 

    She blinked away her thoughts, watching him rise to his feet before mimicking the action herself. "I can assure you; I never indulge curiosity without at least having a plan." Whether that plan ended up being helpful or not was another thing entirely. A thought she wisely kept to herself, instead following the direction of his gaze as he looked off down the hallway. 

    "Sounds like a plan." She dipped her head in understanding of his words. "Until tomorrow then.." She sauntered off towards the room he'd indicated without another word. Whether she slept right away or not she did need to lie down, the excitement of the evening lending to an air of exhaustion; even as her mind began thinking of what tomorrow would bring. 

  • Legacy's eyes narrowed at him, her gaze piercing as if searching for the tiniest flicker of deception. "You don't?" She looked thoughtful for a moment. "I didn't know vampires could have different abilities. I thought they were all the same. I've only met one other vampire, though. She never used it, so maybe she couldn't either. Doesn't matter; it wouldn't work on me anyway."

    His explanation seemed to relax her, her expression thoughtful. "Interesting. I didn't know Nikki's bloodline. I doubt she did too." Ah, a name from the past, whispered on the wind.

    "I've never heard of it, no." Of course she hadn't. Her ignorance was never ending.

    "Tennessee? That's about…eight to fourteen hours. Well, depending on where we're headed. Nashville Tennessee would take the longest." She knew the strangest things. Hesitation scrawled across her face, a silent battle waged in her eyes. Her lips formed a thin line; she must have decided something, because she looked at him with a new light in her gaze.

    "For what it's worth, I am sorry for dragging you into this. Since you'll be stuck with me for a little while," Well, not really. She supposed he could jump out at any time. "I might as well tell you the whole story." Or enough of it. That was left unspoken, but could be perceived in her wary gaze.

    "My life started as a cat," she began, and what an ice breaker that was. "My mother was a cat. My siblings are cats. You get the picture. It's weird, right? I assume my sister is still alive, though she would be elderly at this point. Maybe sixteen or seventeen years old? That's an old Clan cat. I can't be sure. I haven't seen her in ages." Legacy stretched out her legs, plucking at the hole in the knee. Her movements were graceful, almost feline. “That’s why compulsion won’t work on me,” she added slyly, amusement dancing in her eyes. “Ever try to tell a cat what to do? Good luck with that,” she snorted, before chuckling softly. 

    "I left my Clan when I was six years old. A human — well, I thought he was human, found me and took me in. Turns out he was a werewolf. I lived with him even as he welcomed his girlfriend. A vampire. Know what's funny? Alex was scared of blood. Like, deathly afraid. The smallest pinprick of blood and he passed out. One time I got this thorn in my paw pad. Nothing to it. Clan cats got them all the time. I'd seen the medicine cat fix it up, so I thought, I'll just take care of this myself. I was sitting on the armrest, grabbed the thorn with my teeth, and pulled it right out. The teeniest, tiniest speck of blood bubbled up. His face went sheet white — he practically shoved me right off the couch! Rude!" It was clear, even to this day, that there was a level of annoyance from her former owner, but the depth of emotion in her eyes could not be ignored; she had obviously cared deeply about them.

    Legacy blinked, realizing she had rambled. Besides, it was weird to talk about cat life when she sat here, human as ever. She cleared her throat and shoved down the memories. "Sorry. I know that's weird. When they…" Her voice trailed off, sadness creeping in. "When they were gone," her voice shook with unspoken agony for her loss. How could a vampire and werewolf die? Vampires were immortal. Werewolves were not, but they still had an extended lifespan. "I rejoined the Clan for a while, before I wandered back into human life. I couldn't be a house cat anymore. Never again. But I wanted to be a human. I grew older and older, traveling from town to town. That's when I met her. Agatha. She offered me what I so desperately wanted. I didn't understand the price. Not then." Again, her words were sliced with pain and regret. But what did she have left to lose at that point?

    Legacy shook her head, as if shaking loose cobwebs. "I remained in servitude with her for a few years. I only recently escaped — maybe two years ago? She had branded me, of course, as a way of control, but I carved that out as soon as I could." Her left shoulder twitched, as if still haunted by the ghostly pain. "But I had always known she was planning something. I thought Ryan was a trustworthy human. I didn't realize he was working with her." Her eyes flared with a sudden fire. "If I find him, I'll flay him." She hissed menacingly.

    "I gave him the artifacts because I needed leads on her. Look where that got me." She sighed, brown eyes peering outside to watch the world flash by. "I think…I think she's capturing vampires and draining them for power. Perhaps even to make herself younger. Although…Can't she do that just by drinking their blood? I was always told vampire blood can heal and make one remain young, should they drink it on a regular basis. I guess she could be doing both, though. I can't help but feel as if she's trying to enact revenge on the demon who destroyed her family. Too bad she's blaming the wrong person. It takes two to tango; no one told Alistair to lay with another woman." In her eyes, only Alistair had destroyed the family. "All because his wife — who loved him dearly, might I add, could not give him a son. It's always the woman's fault. Men can be barren too." She growled the last bit out, as if still offended on Bonnie's behalf.

    "At any rate, that's my story. Agatha is gathering these objects for a ritual purpose. She's too powerful to attack outright. My guess? I'll have to strike during the ritual, where she's likely to be vulnerable. I don't know when she is doing it. I think we should find out exactly what the amulet does, then maybe investigate the vampire disappearances." She blinked, realizing she had assumed he'd be tagging along. She dipped her head in apology. "Sorry. That's if you want to help. You owe me nothing, and so you have every right to ditch at the soonest available moment. But, before you do...do you know anything else about this amulet? This.." What had he said? “Tailismen of Absolute Law?"

  • Legacy gathered the tresses of her long, brown hair in one hand and squeezed out the excess water, glaring at the tiny little pool it created. She let it rest over one shoulder, jumping a little as the vampire joined her. 

    “First time jumping into a train?” She laughed; it was a melodious sound that filled the air with warmth, like the gentle crackle of a fire on a winter's night. Yet, it was laced by an edge of panic. “Are you aware how fast trains move? At least fifty miles an hour!” How and why the hell did she know that? “I thought I had met a crazy vampire before, but you certainly trump that!” She would have chalked this up to the craziest thing she had ever done…but that wasn't quite right either. It certainly was the craziest, tamest thing she had done. 

    “We aren't all vampires, you know? If you missed, you'd be able to re-grow your limbs or something. Me? If I had miss…” Legacy sighed heavily. “Here lies Legacy. She did not, in fact, have nine lives.” The joke was dry and likely did not make much sense to him. That beind said, he was a vampire and however much she questioned his IQ, he wasn't stupid. He could likely detect the faint feline scent she always carried, no matter how long she wore her human face. 

    As the minutes ticked by, her heartbeat slowed. Despite the calm that was settling over her, the rate of her heart still beat a faster rhythm than a normal human.

    She expected his question. “I’ll answer, then you can tell me why you felt the need to jump a train headed to…where are we headed to?” She shook her head. She had gotten him tangled into her mess; he deserved to hear her speak first. 

    “It’s an amulet, as I said. An Amulet of Truth, to be exact.” She had a recent excursion with a demon that had revealed exactly what the talisman was and the history behind it. “I’ll try to spare the greater details in fear of boring you, but essentially, many, many years ago, a pair of witches were happily married. That marriage darkened after Bonnie — that's the wife — was unable to produce an heir. She had a daughter, but was unable to conceive after. Alistair, her husband, grew despondent, and with it, a wandering eye. He didn't know it at the time, but his affair had been with a demon. She dumped twins on him months later. Fearing that his wife would find out what he had done, Alistair hired a vampire named Sebastian. I don't know his last name. Sebastian used compulsion to make Bonnie believe the children were her own. One of the children, Emily, bore black eyes. Sebaastian sold Alistair a glamor spell to hide them. Duncan was the male twin; at age ten, he killed his sister.” She could still feel the emotions swirling around Emily's death. She shivered, but continued with the story. 

    “I think Bonnie knew something was going on all along. Sebastian had to come more often to cement the compulsion. Is that normal, for it to wear off? Maybe it was because Bonnie was a witch.” Up until that point, she hadn't given it much thought. Now, she openly wondered why Sebastian's compulsion didn't hold as strongly as the media and legends seemed to say. 

    “After Emily's death, something snapped. She contacted Sebastian and bought the Amulet of Truth from him, tricked Alistair to wear it, and was able to finally know the truth.” Legacy's drained of blood as she paled. “After that, she hung herself. Alistair took what remained of his family and left. I have no idea where the amulet came from, but I suspect it was either created by a vampire or a witch. Maybe both. Alistair, Bonnie, Duncan…they are related to the dark witch I unknowingly gave the trinkets to. The very one who made me. And if there is a tie there it would explain why she would want it, but not why she would need it for nefarious plans.” 

  • Hate might be a strong word, though in her experience there were no such thing as good hunters. The witch hunters whom wiped out her family weren't good. But maybe her trauma made her biased. She swallowed hard, blowing out a breath and hooking loose a wooden chair to sink down into. It didn't matter. What he used to be wasn't what he is now and she'd never been one to judge someone on what they might have been in a past life. Her finger traced patterns upon the surface of the table top, seemingly at random. "That doesn't surprise me, as far as I'm aware there were no branches of us here..." she didn't sound too sure about it. "The main branch was located in the States...until the massacre." 

    Her words might just offer enough of a hint into her earlier animosity towards hunters, but she offers no more on the topic. Lifting her gaze from the table, she fixed her attention upon him; even as he continued to stare at the ceiling. Her head tilting in a near quizzical manner, kind of like a curious canine. "Consuming, that's probably where the idea of a void being an absence came from. We know there's a kernal of truth in most theories and legends humans make up about us." She sounded almost rueful as she uttered those words. 

    She rolled her eyes. Too susceptible? What the hell did that even mean? "It's not like I'm going to pledge allegiance to the Dark God of the Void or whatever. But if it's as dangerous as you say two heads are better than one...besides. There might be something in my family grimoires. I haven't been through them all. Know thy enemy after all." 

  • Legacy watched as Alexander veered off the road, her eyes fixed on his retreating form. The distant rumble of thunder echoed through the air, a low vibration that seemed to match the pounding of her heart. The trees loomed above her, their branches creaking ominously in the growing wind. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and ozone, a primal warning of the approaching storm. As she walked, she took note of the open fields and the glint of metal tracks in the distance.

    The rumble grew louder, resolving into the chug-chug-chug of wheels on rails. Legacy's heart leapt. Fear coursed through her veins. She had never hitched a train before, never mind in the middle of a growing storm. Surely he was not expecting them to jump onto a moving train? He was just going to pass over the tracks once the train disappeared into the night. Jumping trains only ever happened in the movies. 

    "Come on," he hissed, the urgency of his voice prompting her to hurry along. The closer she came to the train, the more uncomfortable she became. It was loud. The vibration of the track racing along its tracks sent shivers down her spine. 

    “Let’s go, you'll have to jump,” he called, his voice now barely audible over the roar of the train. Legacy didn't answer. She jerked her gaze towards him in complete shock. He must be joking! 

    But he wasn't. With the skill and inhuman grace that only a vampire could harness, Alexander leaped on to train by grasping a handle before flipping onto the top.  

    The wind whipped her hair back and forth, stinging her face with rain. She was seriously considering turning her ass around and heading back into the town. Unlike him, she couldn’t just regrow a limb or whatever. If she missed the mark, she could seriously injure or maim herself. 

    Yet she needed him. Or at least she thought she did. Did she really? The train was still rolling along, its whistle a shriek in the darkness. She would run out of train if she didn't make a decision now. 

    As an open car approached, Legacy focused on the wide, yawning mouth of the doorway. She sprinted alongside the train, her heart pounding in her chest. The doorframe was a blur, a metal rectangle that seemed to shrink the closer she got. With a deep breath, she pushed off the ground with all her might, launching herself forward.Time seemed to slow as she soared through the air. Legacy stretched out her arms and legs, trying to fill as much space as possible. She felt a jolt of fear as she realized she was short...but her fingers brushed metal, scraping down the edge of the doorframe. With a grunt of effort, she managed to hook her elbows over the edge, her body dangling in mid-air. Pain flared through her arms as her weight hung from her joints. Legacy gritted her teeth, using her momentum to haul herself upward and into the open car. She landed ungracefully on her side, legs still dangling. She wriggled forward, her hips scraping against the metal floor of the car. Finally, she managed to pull her legs inside, rolling onto her back and gasping for breath. The peeling rust of the ceiling greeted her eyes. A small hatch was embedded in the center. Legacy's vision tilted and blurred, dizzy from the surge of adrenaline. She had no idea where Alexander had gone — only that he was on top of the train somewhere. And to be honest, she wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of climbing on top of a moving train. Jumping on one had proved to be enough of a rush. And wouldn't that cause more attention, to be jumping from car to car on the roof? She liked this shelter of metal walls just fine, thank you.

    She sat up slowly and ran her hands along her body just to be sure she was truly on one piece. Her searching found no injuries, and with that, she released a sigh of relief. Her clothes were wet and clung uncomfortably to her body, but at least she was alive. She dragged herself away from the opening of the car, instead choosing safety in the farther corner. Her back pressed against the cold metal, causing her to shiver. She focused on calming her heart. Yeah, if she had to, she'd climb onto the roof, but right now she wasn't exactly dying to get up there. 

  • The click of the lock flipping had tension working its way through her limbs; despite the casual pose she maintained. Only a fool wouldn't feel some amount of wariness to being locked up within a building with a relative stranger. Even if her magic could make short work of that lock should the need to escape arise. She blew out a breath and rested her back against the wall, sparing a cursory glance around the room. Taking in the inherent empty state of things before her eyes returned to tracking his movements; taking note of the exhaustion that seemed to emanate from him the moment the door was closed. 

    Nascha maintained her quietness, crossing her arms over her chest in a pose one might mistake for defensiveness were it not for the, perhaps deceptively, relaxed nature of her stance. Her head tilted to one side as she listened. "Touche, though just because one must do certain things to survive; does not mean one must live up to every bullshit stereotype decided for them." She lifted one shoulder in a carelessly lopsided shrug. "Though, correct me if I'm wrong...you sound almost like you hate what you are?" She was about to ask him why when his next statement sent her spine rigid. Her following words coming out with a bite that had been missing from them up until that moment, flecks of gold bleeding into the blue of her regular gaze. Lending her eyes that otherworldly lupine glow. "You...used to be one of them?

    Calm, Nascha. Be calm. She mentally ordered herself. Everyone had a past and he wasn't to know hunters were the cause of her trauma. The reason she woke sweating from nightmares once a year. She shook her head, forcing herself to remain in the moment. To not become bogged down by those thoughts. 

    "Witch. I'm the last surviving member of the Kaltain Coven." She watched him make himself comfortable. Blowing out a soft breath a moment later and pushed away from the wall to saunter closer. "Up until a few years ago...I believed I was wholly a witch. Imagine my surprise." The snort that escaped her was one of wry humour. "The Void? I thought void just meant absence...are you saying it's an actual place?" Interest, and a heavy dose of renewed curiosity brightened her gaze. New knowledge was like catnip to a witch after all. "I'm so going to regret this but...perhaps I could help you with your quest for answers.." 

    She let the sentence drop, narrowing her eyes upon him in an almost playful glare. "Watch it. I'm not above giving you an annoying nickname, you know." The warning was meant to be stern, but it lacked any kind of bite. 

  • She narrowed her eyes at his back, biting back the growl that wanted to rumble free. Her curiosity outweighing her irritation in that moment. A vampire? At least now she knew what they smelled like. "No. But where I grew up there were not a lot of vampires. You're the first I've met." She rolled her eyes at him, of course she knew vampires drank blood. She just hadn't known that's what he was until now. 

    "Half." She whispered the word; her tone barely audible, to the point a being with less keen senses might just have missed it. Clearing her throat and adding in a slightly louder tone. "I'm only half werewolf. And that's a stupid reason to hate someone just because other creatures think you should be enemies? Other than being a little prickly you haven't done anything to me to warrant my hatred." 

    She couldn't suppress the soft snort that escaped her. "Do you always do what others expect of you?" The question was mostly rhetorical, if he'd wanted to attack her he'd had ample opportunities. "Alexander. A pleasure." She dipped her head in acknowledgement. "You're informant? You mean the witch? I'm not sure why she was shot after I noticed her. But I would like to know why her magic called to mine like a beacon. I haven't felt that since..." she bit her lip, trailing off. Before she shook her head, a cocky smirk ticking at the corners of her lips. "I could always give it back if you prefer."

    Her fingers twitched as if she was going to unfasten the buttons, but her hands remained by her sides. As if she'd been baiting him. Her attention drifting back towards their surroundings, alighting upon the cabins they were closing in on. 

    Her footsteps drawing to a halt just outside the threshold of the closest cabin, observing as he pushed his way inside. "Must you keep calling me that?" She huffed, slipping inside the moment he'd queried if she was coming. 

  • As he stood there, listening, Legacy pondered. What motivation could this stranger possibly have to assist her? True, she had solicited his aid, but that was no guarantee he'd oblige. For now, tentative trust would have to suffice. She could likely defend herself against a single vampire if necessary. Maybe. Enough, at least, to facilitate a swift exit if required. Probably.

    Oh, he was leaving again. Anywhere but here? That hardly inspired confidence. Legacy cast a brief, surreptitious glance around. The streets were deserted at this late hour, save for the occasional bar goer. Wait... Shiftly figures flitted through the shadows, their whispers carrying on the wind. She attempted to reach out with her magic, to extend her awareness, but feared drawing unwanted attention. Their gazes slid away when hers landed on them. A frisson of fear skittered down her spine, but she battled to suppress it. The vampire had already put several paces between them. Gritting her teeth, she rapidly closed the gap, but remained at a respectful distance.

    "Seriously," she muttered, voice barely audible, but knowing he'd catch it. That much, at least, was certain. "Where are you dragging me off to?" Perhaps he withhold answers for fear of eavesdroppers. Admittedly, she'd been skeptical of being overheard back at the bar. It had seemed populated by mere mortals. Granted, a sprinkling of supernaturals may have been embedded in the crowd, but her inexperience with her own abilities had prevented her from sensing any threat. That was part of why approaching him had taken so long.

    "I'm sorry for causing trouble," she mumbled, a thread of misery woven through her tone. Trouble was becoming her middle name. At least her manners remained intact. She risked a fleeting glance over her shoulder. Were they still tailing her? It seemed ludicrous for any being, even a supernatural, to target a vampire. Vampires were renowned for their preternatural strength and velocity. Yes, the supernatural species had fought in the past, but what had that truly accomplished? It hadn't stemmed their tide. No single type of supernatural being had ever managed to establish dominance.

    And if she was being hunted for the trinket, it wasn't as though she knew its whereabouts. That had been her reason for seeking the vampire's assistance – well, part of it, anyway. How would her pursuers react? Would they torture her for information she couldn't provide?

    Thunder growled overhead, and Legacy's scowl deepened. Rain, and getting wet in general, were among her least favorite things. Yet here she was, chasing a vampire through the gathering storm. The first, fat droplets began to fall. Perhaps that could work in her favor. Rain obliterated scents and hindered visibility. She pulled her magic in, the fabrics of it providing a shroud invisible to the eye. Best to have it tucked close in case she needed it. Oh, she was far from battle ready, but she wouldn't go without a fight. 

    She decided that, once they were both safe, she would go her seperate ways. Best not to drag him down any deeper than she already had. 

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"Alexander watched her, his speed and agility as he hurtled from one railcar to another effortless.…"
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"Her defensive tone told Alexander everything he needed to know. She hated hunters, even the good…"
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Alexander left a comment for Nascha Kaltain
"Alexander didn't respond to any of her prods until they were inside the cabin. He moved toward the…"
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Alexander left a comment for Legacy
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"  Alexander didn’t bother turning to answer her question, letting out a huff that was more of a…"
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