

January 29

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Selective/Open

Character Age

Appears 21

Character Species

Created by the mind of an unstable young man; a thought come to life

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

• His arms, fingers (to the very tippy tips and even his fingernails) are coated in black ink and very well might stay that way, though sometimes it comes off on someone if he's touching them but can be easily wiped off unless they want it to mark them. •Brisbane's eyes change with his moods, often flickering between green-blue (curiosity) and lavender (enjoyment, happy, etc.), though golden means he's wary, upset, or even jealous - ready to eat someone's face.

• He doesn't have any idea what he is other than he knows he is different; he very well might assume he's human (or a monster) given the response of someone that might be talking/hanging around him.

Character Personality

•His social cues can seem off. • His temperament is usually easy-going, though he can snap quite easily when frustrated.

• He can seem sensual without meaning to be, though he is beginning to learn, albeit slowly.

Character Likes

• New and interesting sights and smells often cause him to wander off (shiny, pretty things almost always catch and keep his attention).

• He can't live without a hot shower (so hot it is scalding). Being touched and touching; platonic or romantic.

Character Dislikes

• Food doesn't seem to interest him, or he hasn't been given much contact with edible food.

Character History/Story

He has always been a dream. A sudden thought. A blank slate that took everything so literal and decided to be. A young, troubled man had required someone, anyone to listen to him, to come to him, and would have never thought in a million years his diseased mind would bring forth something like Brisbane. And Brisbane was instantly taken with him, cared for him, even if it had lasted only a few hours --- they had been beautiful hours of torture and desire to learn everything inside that young man's brain and Brisbane did as he was asked: devoured him until not a drop was left.

Character Abilites

Maybe he can read minds. Or not. Perhaps he has a way of making someone feel too comfortable. Or uncomfortable. Perhaps he's a contradiction altogether, and that's his amazing ability.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)


Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, Child Friendly, 18+, Comedy, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

My name is H. I've been writing on and off again for a good few years and would love to continue to do so with others that enjoy it as much as I do.

Comment Wall

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Brisbane Beleth left a comment for Brisbane Beleth
"Thank you."
Mar 20, 2024
Brisbane Beleth posted a discussion
First off: Hi. I've been writing for quite a few years and lost some of my writing partners due to…
Mar 18, 2024
Brisbane Beleth left a comment on Message Board
"Yes! I just found this site as well.
Mar 18, 2024
Brisbane Beleth updated their profile
Mar 17, 2024
Brisbane Beleth and S Y N O V A are now friends
Mar 17, 2024
Brisbane Beleth is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Mar 17, 2024