
March 14

Character Age


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Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

She is a vision of ethereal beauty, with flowing black hair that cascades like silk down her slender frame. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of golden amber, hold a depth that seems to reflect the wisdom of ages. Standing at 5 foot 3 inches, she possesses a delicate yet graceful presence, her form akin to that of an angel. Her skin is as soft as petals, radiating a gentle luminosity that enhances her otherworldly charm. In her presence, one cannot help but be captivated by her enchanting aura and timeless elegance.

Character Personality

Initially, she exudes an air of cool reserve, her golden eyes observing the world with a quiet intensity. Reserved in her interactions, she maintains a poised demeanor that hints at a depth of introspection. Her words are measured, carrying a thoughtful weight that reflects her cautious approach to trust. Yet, beneath this initial layer lies a heart that warms with time and familiarity. As one gets to know her, glimpses of compassion and kindness emerge like soft rays of sunlight breaking through a winter sky. She listens attentively, offering insights that reveal her empathetic understanding of others' struggles and joys. Her kindness blossoms in gentle gestures and moments of sincere connection, showing a nurturing spirit that contrasts beautifully with her initial aloofness. Those who earn her trust find a loyal and supportive companion, discovering that behind her initial coolness lies a soul rich in empathy and a genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of those around her.

Character Likes

Books and knowledge Nature and serenity Art and beauty Deep conversations Music Animals Acts of kindness Ethical and thoughtful choices Personal growth Warmth and genuine connections

Character Dislikes

Small talk Crowds Spicy food Clutter Loud chewing Early mornings Injustice Lack of empathy Ignorance Bad hair days

Character History/Story

Chara's life began much like a tranquil melody, with her childhood spent in the idyllic countryside, where she found solace in books and the gentle whispers of nature. Her parents, skilled artisans, imbued her with a love for creativity and a deep respect for the natural world. But beneath Chara's serene exterior lurked a haunting mystery—a secret that even she did not fully comprehend. As she grew older, Chara's golden eyes, once filled with wonder, darkened with a hidden sorrow. Her affinity for animals became a lifeline, a way to connect with a world that often felt distant and cold. She excelled in her studies, particularly in biology and environmental sciences, driven by a fierce determination to protect the fragile balance of life. During her university years, Chara met Lucas, a fellow student with a magnetic charm and a troubled past of his own. Their friendship blossomed into a tumultuous romance, fueled by their shared passion for the natural world and their desire to leave a mark on a society that seemed increasingly indifferent to its beauty. But Lucas harbored secrets darker than Chara could have imagined. As their relationship deepened, cracks began to appear—a growing obsession with power and control that poisoned their once harmonious bond. Chara, blinded by love and loyalty, refused to see the warning signs until it was too late. One stormy night, Lucas's jealousy erupted into violence, shattering Chara's world in an instant. The owl she had rescued years ago, Orion, became a silent witness to the tragedy that unfolded. In a moment of despair and desperation, Chara made a choice that would haunt her forever—a choice to protect herself at any cost. In the aftermath, Chara retreated from the world she had fought so hard to protect. The nonprofit she had co-founded with Aiden crumbled in the wake of scandal and suspicion. Her once bright future dimmed into shadow as she struggled to reconcile the person she had become with the ideals she once held dear. Years passed, and Chara lived a quiet existence on the outskirts of society, haunted by memories she could not escape. The golden-eyed girl who once dreamed of changing the world now carried a burden of guilt that weighed heavier than any stone sculpture her parents had ever crafted. Orion, the owl, remained her only companion, a silent reminder of the innocence she had lost and the darkness that had consumed her heart. Chara's story, once filled with promise and hope, ended in a tragic symphony of shattered dreams and irreversible choice.

Character Inventory

Bow: A finely crafted longbow made from a sturdy yet lightweight material such as enchanted wood or elven silver. It is designed for accuracy and power, allowing Chara to shoot with precision over long distances. Quiver: A leather or enchanted fabric quiver slung over her shoulder, filled with arrows of various types: Standard Arrows: For general use in combat and hunting. Silver-tipped Arrows: Effective against supernatural beings and creatures vulnerable to silver. Enchanted Arrows: Infused with magical properties that enhance their speed, accuracy, or damage upon impact. Elemental Arrows: Arrows imbued with elemental magic (fire, ice, lightning) for dealing with specific adversaries or environmental challenges. Dagger: A sleek elven dagger strapped to her belt or hidden in her boot, serving as a close-quarters weapon and utility tool for cutting, carving, and other tasks. Elven Cloak: A lightweight cloak woven from enchanted fibers that offer camouflage in natural surroundings, protection from the elements, and minor magical properties such as self-cleaning or resilience against wear and tear. Healing Salves and Potions: Small vials of herbal concoctions and magical potions that provide healing, stamina restoration, or temporary enhancements to her physical abilities during battles or moments of need. Utility Belt: A leather belt with pouches and compartments containing: Rope: For climbing, securing items, or creating makeshift traps. Lockpicks: Useful for bypassing locks and accessing restricted areas. Flint and Steel: For starting fires needed for warmth, cooking, or creating distractions. Trail Rations: Lightweight provisions for sustenance during long journeys or when camping in the wild. Elven Amulet: A protective charm or amulet passed down through her family, imbued with magical wards against evil, curses, or negative energies. Notebook and Quill: For recording observations, maps, and magical insights she gathers during her travels, as well as sketching plants or creatures encountered along the way. And Orion, of course.

Character Abilites

Marksmanship: Chara is exceptionally skilled with a bow, able to shoot with remarkable accuracy and precision even over long distances. Her elven eyesight enhances her ability to spot targets and aim swiftly and accurately. Agility and Speed: Elves are known for their agility and swiftness. Chara can move gracefully and silently through varied terrain, making her a formidable opponent and adept at evading attacks. Stealth: Chara has mastered the art of stealth, blending seamlessly with her surroundings to remain unseen and unheard when scouting, ambushing enemies, or navigating dangerous territories. Enhanced Senses: Her elven heritage grants Chara heightened senses, including acute hearing and night vision, which aid her in detecting threats, tracking targets, and navigating in low-light conditions. Nature Affinity: Chara has a deep connection to nature, allowing her to communicate with animals, understand natural patterns and rhythms, and harness nature's energies for spells or rituals related to healing or protection. Archery Techniques: Beyond basic marksmanship, Chara may have mastered specialized archery techniques such as rapid firing, shooting from horseback or while in motion, and shooting multiple targets in quick succession. Magical Abilities: Depending on her background and training, Chara may possess innate or learned magical abilities: Nature Magic: Ability to manipulate elements of nature such as controlling vines, summoning gusts of wind, or influencing plant growth. Enhanced Perception: Ability to perceive magical auras, detect illusions, or sense disturbances in magical energies. Lightfoot: Ability to create small illusions or distractions to mislead enemies or create opportunities for herself and her allies. Combat Skills: In addition to archery, Chara is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and melee weapons like daggers, ensuring she can defend herself effectively in close quarters if needed. Leadership and Strategy: Through her experiences, Chara has developed tactical acumen, able to assess situations quickly, formulate effective strategies, and lead others in battle or in achieving shared goals.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Realistic, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

I haven't RP in years and I am very interested in getting back into it. This is my OC that I have had for about 7 years now and I would love to put her back into the writing scene. My writing skills are not where they used to be so please bare with me. :) And you can call me "K" OOC.

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