~ Guardian of the Money Pit ~

- Devoted Servant -


August 28

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Selective/Open

Character Age

Varies from 30s-70s.

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status

Taken...very much taken.

Character Appearance

A tall, lithe, and highly flexible man with albinism, regardless of age. He wore fine clothes as a young man, and while his outfits are still elaborate in his time of guarding the Money Pit...they seem intended to terrify as well as intrigue.

Character Personality

As a young man: quiet, reclusive, reserved, loyal, and servile. Only ever speaks to Vercci, the man he serves. As the old Money Pit Guardian: much the same as he was in his younger days, aside from a more feral streak born of long years alone in the subterranean tomb. Still just as loyal to Vercci as he ever was.

Character Likes

- Protecting Vercci and his possessions - Serving a greater purpose than himself - Praise - Basking by a warm fire - Dancing - The thrill of a worthy fight

Character Dislikes

- Reminders of his old life before Vercci - Intruders/Thieves - Disappointing Vercci - Feeling aimless - Having no purpose in life

Character History/Story

While one would never know it when staring down at the snarling tomb guardian before them, Voldo was once a young man serving the merchant he adored in the most opulent places in Renaissance Italy. But those days are long gone now, and he spends his time guarding both the merchant's sarcophagus and the treasures that surround it. He has never forgotten his master's final words to him. Nor does he ever shrink away from the all-too-familiar voice that speaks to him in his loneliest hours.

Character Inventory

Aside from his weapons and gear, he has no possessions as the Money Pit Guardian. As a younger man, nearly everything he owned was given to him by Vercci.

Character Abilites

- Contortionism - Skilled at fighting - (As a young man) Performing household duties - (As a young man) Adept at being a merchant's assistant - Quick learner - Understands several languages - Dancing

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Realistic, Rated R, 18+, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

Hello! I'm a humble roleplayer searching for my Holy Grail of sorts. Soul Calibur seems to be a rare fandom, but I hope to one day find someone to RP my favorite pairing from it with me. Though this profile is only for one half of the pair, I'm willing to play either of them. Aside from roleplay, I enjoy learning about historical time periods and places, spanning from Ancient China to Renaissance Italy and beyond. I also enjoy a creative hobby from time to time, as well as reading for fun.

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  • @Kougar Kyle-Catwoman

    [Thank you kindly! :>]

    The tall, thin man responds to the compliment with a hiss, before bowing at the waist with surprising delicacy.

  • Hello, I just wanted to say your mask is rather interesting. And so is your profile. 

  • Welcome to Writers Realm!

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Earned points: 14

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru



Voldo left a comment for Voldo
"@Kougar Kyle-Catwoman
[Thank you kindly! :>]
The tall, thin man responds to the compliment with a…"
Feb 21, 2023
Voldo left a comment for Voldo
"@Kougar Kyle-Catwoman
Thank you kindly! :>"
Feb 21, 2023
Voldo posted a discussion
(TW for ambiguous/dubious consent mentions, NSFW mentions, and religious themes; please be 18+ to…
Feb 20, 2023
Voldo posted a discussion
Hello all! 20+ RPer here seeking a partner of similar age to help fulfill my quest for my own…
Jan 16, 2021
Voldo updated their profile photo
Jan 16, 2021
Voldo is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Jan 16, 2021