Mood Music:
Lights. Camera. Action!
Announcer voice: Ladies and gents I welcome you back to the interviews!
Strobe lights of all colors, lasers, and a disco ball, because that needs to be there too, erupt from nowhere exactly around the small little interview room. They dance for a time, blind the poor attendees who are forced here by there will then simply shut off. Leaving nothing but one large light on in the middle over a table and five chairs in the room. One empty, three filled on one side, and the other occupied by the one, the only...
Nickyy: Welcome back, bitches. All my girls back for another round. How you doin'? Great to have you back to the INTERVIEWS! Y'all know me of course--
(There is some rattling then yell.)
Nickyy: Saftey precautions, I'm sure you're well aware. Not to mention ah... ya know. (Twirls her finger towards Alice with a smile.) The whole goddess problem. Not that I would think that Basty there would do anything against me. But still. Best to be safe over sorry. You're welcome by the way.
Alice: (Grits her teeth.) I hate ya soooo much.
Nickyy: Join the club, anyway. We're at our halfway point, a whole seven months gone! Man, what crazy ones they've been, huh? So, I've got to say, how is everyone taking it, hmm? Happy? Mad?
Lynn: Honestly, Nicole, do you truly care about that? What we think about all of this?
Nickyy: (Legasp and leans forward against the table.) Of course, I do. You're all my babies. Why wouldn't I care?
Nes: I dunno.... maybe all the hardships you put on us, the murdering, the torment, the soul-crushing decisions you make people make, ya know... Being DM on a bunch of gals just living our best life?
Nickyy: You know, I have hardly done anything hard on your happy ass, what are you to say?
Nes: It's what everyone else is thinking.
Nickyy: (Smirks.) And what am I thinking?
Nes: (Focuses, then frowns.) I-I don't--
Nickyy: Know? Can't get a read? Did you really think I was going to allow you to read my own mind? That would ruin the fun for everyone else. Speaking of... Lynn, you're quiet.
Lynn: (Crosses her arms.) Forgive me, as I attempt to wrap my head still around this entire thing you call fun. You have toyed with us this entire time, and expect me to frankly speak my mind? What am I to say?
Nickyy: What do you want to say? No questions about your future? Or about all the hard times I've put you through? There is bound to be more, believe me.
Lynn: You have hardly done anything of--
Nickyy: What about Ginger? Or Adam and Rissa? Have you thought to question how your dear friend Nikki is taking all of this? You're disappearing and going off on this goose chase--
Lynn: Stop.
Nickyy: (Stops but grins.) No questions?
Lynn: Why Rissa. Adam doesn't deserve that.
Nickyy: It was more of the other person who killed her, not really my idea. Oh, and if you're wondering, they are alive. And man, that'll be a hell of a reveal when it happens.
Lynn: You allow another to dictate what happens to your own? Do you not dare to stop it? Or make it better or easier for us? Care you not for us at all?
Nickyy: She was an NPC, I never wrote a word to her existence other than she was there. A means to an end mostly. Trust me, I was butthurt that she was killed too. Alas, it thickens the plot. And look, it isn't that I don't understand that what happened was rather fucked up, it's just that I don't care, the show must go on.
The lights buzz around the room, flickering and strumming with power.
Nes: Um, you kill her we all die.
Lynn: I know that, girl.
Nickyy: Don't worry, Nes, I'm not scared. Now, Alice! How is life for you?
Alice: Ya already know that.
Nickyy: I'd like to hear it from the horse's mouth.
Alice: Aye. (Turns to Nickyy.) Fuck you. Fuck yer games. Fuck that Goddess. An' fuck yer fuckin' me over.
Nickyy: That's a lot of fucking for a--
Alice: Donna'ya fookin' say it, ya git. Not a fookin' ward.
Nickyy: Mhm. I'll say this. Your next hair color? Love it. Can't wait.
Alice: An' when is that happenin'?
Nickyy: When you accept all of you. Including Bast.
Nes: (Laughs.) Like that'll ever happen. She can't even accept that she's in lo--
Alice: (Rocks violently in the chair trying to tear herself free.) Yer crossin' the line, lass.
Nes: (Whispers.) What's the hair color gonna be?
Nickyy: Hmm think Sisqó.
Nes: Awesome.
Nickyy: So, anything else you guys? It's a bit late on my end and I've got things to do.
Lynn: You keep mentioning that things are in a rolling motion. What things are these?
Nickyy: Things for all three of you. Nes, you are at a calm before the storm. Lynn, yours is actually in a set motion, the finale hasn't even happened yet, its hardly getting to the end of the season, to be honest. Alice, yours will be slowing down a bit. It's time I add some of my magic touch on little Nessie here, big changes are coming, and I don't know how much of you will be left in it, kid.
Nes: (Frowning and is quiet for once.)
Alice: Is that yer plan? Kick 'em all while they're down?
Nickyy: Chaos is a ladder. The more you all go up, which you have no choice but to, you'll see and do some crazy stuff. Stuff you'll either love or hate, or even wish to kill me for. The point is, it needs to be written, and I'm not sorry for that. The best characters are the ones who come in with everything, lose it all, then gain it back again one stab of a needle at a time. Or several at once. It's the beauty of it all. Be grateful. You're the main character of my imagination, and I intend to hit you with every brick I can while it's being built.
Alice: Yer a fuckin' psychopath.
Nickyy: Some would say, others praise me for it. Now then. I best be taking my leave then. I feel like we really got to know each other very well today. We'll be seeing each other again very soon. We'll see just how far that hell moves everyone forward. And, at that time it'll be autumn. My favorite season to write. Big changes are comin' kids. Be ready for that.
Lynn: Do we have a choice?
Nickyy: (Cackles while fading into the darkness.) No.
All the lights turn off and the scene closes yet again.
To be continued....