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Ordinary People


Girl, I'm in love with you

This ain't the honeymoon

Passed the infatuation phase

Right in the thick of love

At times we get sick of love

Seems like we argue everyday 

The world kept moving...but her world stop moving a long time ago the moment thi

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Luthor and Peace.



Kara's eyes are glued onto the clock in front of her. She knows this game, knows how long it can take. About five minutes. She knows this game so darn well...she's wondering exactly when it started and while she'd be glad to say she doesn't kn

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. N I G H T W I N G .

|| - N I G H T W I N G . D R A C O N I A N . E M P I R E - ||

Part 1 of 2



It began as rumors uttered among the Wolves.

     Iscariot and the creatures of the surrounding territories were under threat of one they called WRATH, and with him, a beas

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.O r i g i n s.

The beginning is hazy, much like how one never remembers the beginning of a d r e a m. 



     Raiya’s earliest memory was when she was young and living with a small tribe of Dire Wolves. They had no names, or at least no particular names that Raiya

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She sat in the break room with a small smile on her face. She didn't look as she does now, rather than her bright feminine appearance she had cropped blonde hair and a gruff face. She wore her scars with pride rather than hiding them from others, the

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Lost; Ancient Light

2148732?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Ancient Light

She was alien in this world both metaphorically and literally. It was such a wonderous and scary thing. Wonderous in the fact she was able to experience the integration of a new society and culture into her life. One that seemed to bot

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||: O R I G I N S :||


War, famine, Religion and massacre.

     The 30 Years War was still ravishing the early European countries, shredding lives and destroying the world as many knew it.

     The heart of the German states was home to a girl named { Anneliese. } In t

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☞He is an MD

☞Ex Military (Navy Commander)

☞Genius-level intellect

☞Peak physical and mental conditioning

☞Master martial artist

☞Expert acrobat

☞Use of high tech equipment, weapons and gadgets

☞Master of stealth

☞Proficient with technology


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His Story!!!!!!!!!

The Wayne Family fortune has roots that go all the way back to the 17th Century. It was at that time, that the Wayne Family founded a merchant house, which eventually changed and gradually grew, when Wayne Shipping and Wayne Chemical were founded. Th

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A Round Straight Through

(Trying to get back into the swing of things. Sorry it's a bit rusty. )


Everything that had happened in the past few days slammed into her head like a cruel torment. Mocking her with the constant barrage of things she'd done wrong. She wished she coul

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Character Creation For Dummies


Almost everyone I've ever met has a fictional character they've created that goes through stories. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren't spectacular at creating in-depth and interesting characters all the time. As such, I found it appropriate to add

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Summer Prince.

She stood firm at her post, in front of the nice larger on the inside house. She always loved being here, the sunshine being only really present in this nice way in her court and the house giving the lovely feeling of summer and kids playing. She clo

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