🎩Hats are pretty neat🎩



🎓 Rai, what the hell is this?
I'm glad you asked!
Mar will be doing some cosmetic changes to the Home Page over the next few weeks, and we need to make sure the Events section looks good with something displayed on the home page.

In other words, this is simply a silly little filler event and something fun for everyone to do. Be sure to hop on over to Felix/Phoebe's page and give them a big ol' smooch for the idea.


🎩  What are the prizes?
The prizes are the Friends We Made Along The Way


🧢 How do we play?

-Take an image of your character and give them a hat. Any hat. You can scribble it, Photoshop it, edit it however you want.

- Post your masterpiece in the comments below

- That's it. That's all there is to it.


👒 But Rai, we want a real event
Don't you worry your hatless head. We have more serious events lined up, so be sure to keep an eye out for those announcements ✨



The deadline for the Hat Event will be May 20th.

Thank you for your help and participation while we continue to improve Writer's Realm!

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  • it has been 100000 years since I have interacted. but please take this11072676258?profile=RESIZE_584x

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