Hello! I just joined today and am looking to find RP partners. I'm looking for people who are intrested in writing a variety of topics and with various character types. 

I prefer to write darker 18+ rp's with heavy repricusions for the characters. Though, I won't say no to lighter things as well.  I'm open to writing in mutiple genre's as well. Fantasy, Modern fantasy, Paranormal, Sci-fi, etc. I'm not interested much in fandom related roleplay, unless it would be a Mercy Thompson book series fandom RP.  

I only have Aesa set up at the moment, but I have an unreasonable amount of characters that I am happy to bring over if someone is looking for something specific. For example:  Vampires, Humans,  Werewolves, Shifters, Elves, Witches, and Mutants. I'm sure there are others I'm not thinking of at the moment. 

I am a disabled writer, so I'm usually around and easy to find. Feel free to reach out anytime! 

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  • I'm game

  • I would be interested in writing a story with you 

  • Update:  Aesa's page is now a multi-character page, but I'm leaving it in her name for now. I added a second character below her info. Feel free to take a look and message me if you're interested in RP'ing with Nicky. 

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