Alexander's Posts (2)

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Death's Embrace (VILLIAN2024)

"We were supposed to be the hunters, not the hunted..."

Vampire hunting was all Alexander had ever known. The Hunter Society of Russia was a vast, intricate network, plagued by corruption more times than he cared to admit. Yet, there was nothing that made him feel more alive than the thrill of the hunt. On a cool fall evening, Alexander and his two comrades were dispatched to investigate a location nearly two hours from the main headquarters. The trio, composed of three proud and seasoned hunters, approached their target—a grand, gothic mansion sprawled across acres of flat, desolate land.

They paused at the edge of the property, the moonlight casting long shadows over the mansion's worn exterior. Their mission was clear: survey the area and confirm the presence of the vampire clan they were hunting. Headquarters had been explicit—engagement was off the table. Their small, three-man squad wasn’t equipped to handle a full-scale confrontation.

Hours slipped by, the night growing colder as it edged toward morning. The squad, growing restless, began to believe their mission would yield nothing. Then, in a burst of impatience, Argen, one of Alexander’s teammates, decided to take a more proactive approach. He crept closer to the mansion, ignoring the lack of obvious defenses. Within minutes, he was peering through the windows, his breath fogging the glass.

A knot of unease formed in Alexander’s gut. Something was off. His instincts screamed at him to pull back, but when Correl, the newest member of their squad, followed Argen’s lead, Alexander had no choice but to join them.

As they approached the building, Alexander's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings. The mansion, once grand, was now a shadow of its former self, with ivy-covered walls and overgrown shrubs choking the life from the grounds. It was hard to believe that vampires lived here, let alone committed crimes severe enough to warrant a hunt. Alexander knew the corrupt nature of the Hunter Society, particularly this branch. Often, missions were driven not by justice but by the desire to profit from the sale of vampire fangs and venom. It was a dirty business, but it was all Alexander knew. His comrades were his brothers, and the thrill of the hunt was a freedom he couldn’t find anywhere else. Morality was a luxury he didn’t afford himself.

A sudden, sharp scream shattered the silence. Argen’s voice, filled with pain and terror, echoed through the night. Alexander’s heart pounded as he scanned the darkness, searching for any sign of what had attacked his friend. But all he found was silence, the scream dying as quickly as it had come. A chill ran down his spine.

“Argen!” Correl called out, his voice trembling. The two remaining hunters drew their weapons, their senses heightened as they backed away from the mansion. They didn’t get far before something heavy landed in front of them with a sickening thud. In the dim light, Alexander’s eyes widened as he realized what it was—Argen’s severed head, his lifeless eyes still wide with fear, blood oozing from the ragged neck.

Correl stumbled back in shock, his weapon lowering. It was all the opening the enemy needed. A blur of movement, a thud, and Correl was on the ground, a female vampire straddling him. Her claws slashed at him with terrifying speed, tearing into his flesh with inhuman ferocity. Alexander stood frozen for a moment, his mind struggling to process the carnage before him.

He snapped back to reality, his fingers tightening around his lance, the silver blade glinting in the moonlight. With a swift motion, he spun the weapon, plunging it into the vampire’s side. She screeched, a high-pitched sound that sent shivers down his spine, but quickly turned her attention to him. Alexander ripped the lance free, a small spatter of her blood staining the grass. Satisfaction surged through him, brief as it was.

The vampire paused, her crimson eyes locking onto his. She was smaller than him, but her speed and ferocity were beyond anything he’d faced before. As she grasped the wound he’d inflicted, her mouth parted in a hiss, exposing her shiny white fangs. “Silver,” he muttered in reference to his blade, pride creeping into his voice. But his confidence was his downfall.

She lunged at him, faster than he could react. He blocked her initial strikes with his lance, the sound of claws scraping against metal echoing through the night. But she was relentless, each blow pushing him closer to the edge of his endurance. Alexander’s cool demeanor began to crack as he realized he was outmatched, and worse—alone.

A final, powerful strike knocked him to his knees, his lance falling uselessly to the ground. Blood seeped from the deep gashes that marred his body, staining his clothes and pooling at his feet. His vision blurred, a trickle of blood running from a cut above his brow. The vampire circled him slowly, savoring her victory. Her hand gripped his shoulder-length hair, yanking his head back to force him to meet her gaze.

“You’ve got balls,” she said, her voice dripping with mockery. “You actually fought me instead of cowering and waiting for death.” She tugged on his hair again, her smile widening as he winced in pain. “You have potential,” she continued, her tone almost playful. She didn’t bother hiding her intentions, even as faces appeared in the mansion’s windows, watching the scene unfold.

“You’re dying anyway,” she whispered, her voice taking on a seductive edge. “Why don’t you put that potential to use... for me?” Her fangs gleamed in the moonlight as she lowered herself, her grip on his hair tightening. Alexander struggled, but his strength was gone. Her fangs sank into his neck, the sharp pain overwhelming his senses. He wanted to scream, but the venom was already working its way through his veins, sapping the last of his energy. His vision darkened, the sounds of the world fading away as he exhaled his final breath.

“When you awake,” she murmured, her voice the last thing he heard, “you’ll serve your new family with the same might you showed here today, my spawn.”

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Characters /Credits used:  Alexander & Valkyrie (Young Version | Early 20's)

Vibes for this Blog: Music

Russia -

This wasn't where he originated, nor was it his choice, but it had become his home. Alexander's lanky figure leaned against a gothic-inspired building. Inside lived his sire along with several other vampires he'd come to call family. Alexander was one of the lucky ones; he'd been spared, granted a chance at a new life, and, most importantly, grew to be trusted by his small coven. Many times, they'd been hunted. Equally as many times, Alexander had risen to the occasion. Crossing his arms over his chest, the vampire tried to tune out the guilt that had tormented him for the last five months. He could hear the chatter among his comrades through the rustic black iron door to his left. They were happy; yes, even vampires could enjoy their evening. Crimson hues panned upward to inspect the sky. It was a full moon. Lycans were not common in this area. He had no worries. Except one...

He could hear it in the distance, sense her. She was coming this way; the human huntress he'd encountered so many times before. Alexander's gaze searched the darkness in front of him. She had some nerve venturing this close, but that boldness only brought a soft smile to the vampire's lips. Pushing himself from his resting spot, Alexander began in the direction of his muse.

He was on guard duty. He was always on guard duty; even when he was relieved, Alexander was fiercely loyal and constantly wanted peace of mind for their safety. Still... ten minutes wouldn't hurt.

"Hey, you." The succulent voice he'd been eager to hear rang from mere feet in front of him. An open-mouthed smile mixed with a sigh of relief escaped the vampire's lips. He'd openly admit he'd been waiting for their next meeting for the last four days the duo had been apart. It was a hard relationship to maintain, and an unfortunate sorrow tugged at the corner of Alexander's mind. For once, he'd found something aside from his coven; something to live for, something to love. He'd now have to break that off for her own safety.

Golden hues panned up to Alexander, searching his gaze with her own. She was a fearsome warrior but seemed completely different around the fanged demon. "I've missed you." She spoke again, pushing those worrisome thoughts to the back of his head once more. This was met with her forehead against his bare chest. Time seemed to slow as the two soaked in the company of the other.

Grasping hold of her shoulders, Alexander gently pushed her back; his crimson gaze studying her own. With that, the vampire turned his attention to a large oak. It was the same place they'd met so many times before. As many times as he'd told her to steer clear of the coven's territory and let him seek her out; she refused every time.

Too fast for human eyes to comprehend, a streak of black sped to and projected itself upon one of the lower hanging branches. Like clockwork, his other half followed. Compared to Alexander, his human lover was much slower but still well capable. Using the same path he'd taken, she pushed off the tree trunk, leaping for the branch he'd claimed. A mellow clapping sound echoed into the area as Alexander's hand grasped her own, pulling her to his location. His lover nestled down into her usual spot, back resting against the trunk of the great oak. It was such a childish thing to do, yet the two had been bonding this way for several months now.

Stargazing. She loved to watch the stars, sometimes for hours. However, Alexander's attention was fully on her beauty; cream-colored skin and supple plush lips. Her hair was equally alluring to him with those thick raven locks pulled back so simply. A small, gentle smile tugged at his closed lips. She'd always been so casual in her attire; in fact, she'd come straight from the hunter's HQ by the look of it. Crimson eyes cascaded over the tight leather pants and knee-high black boots she wore. Her hunter's jacket was nowhere to be found; something Alexander assumed she did for his sake. Instead, a white half-tank was strung upon her shoulders, exposing her midriff.

She leaned forward, placing a delicate hand on his bare chest. Alexander blinked a few times, realizing he'd been caught. When did she revert her attention to him from the stars? The huntress pressed herself forward, forcing a kiss from Alexander; her slender fingers snaking themselves through his long black strands. Everything but this moment seemed to ebb away; the coven, her faction, his vampirism. Nothing else mattered.

Like all things, even the good things had to come to an end. Ten minutes had come and gone. Alexander knew he'd soon have to get back to his family. "Valkyrie," the vampire spoke, coaxing his lover from her nuzzled spot on his chest. As she sat up, Alexander rose to his feet. The bark underfoot cracked in the silence. "I need to go."

Valkyrie pulled herself to her feet, reality slowly sweeping back over the duo. Her golden hues panned upward as Alexander placed a gentle hand upon her shoulder. "We can't keep doing this." His voice cut the silence like butter.

"We wouldn't have to." She replied, whisking her long ponytail over her right shoulder, exposing the curve of her neck almost too perfectly. It appeared to be an ongoing disagreement the duo had.

Alexander's tongue writhed in his mouth, throat tensing at the mere thought. He'd already eaten, but sometimes being offered a free second course was too much to handle. Breaking his trance-like state, the vampire quickly jerked his head to the right, diverting his gaze. She'd been asking for the last two months now to be turned; turned into the curse he bore. Alexander would not do that, not to her. "No.." His voice panned off.

"Alexander," Valkyrie spoke softly, taking a step closer, "I want thi-"

"No." The vampire spoke again, this time more commanding. Those red orbs reconnected with hers once again. His stomach was in knots at this point. Crimson hues jittered back and forth searching her gaze, searching for any form of forgiveness for his next statement. "This is the last time we will see each other."

"What?! Why? Alexander!" Her pleas arose. It was an expected response at this point. Turning his back to her, Valkyrie's protests began to fade out with his own emotions becoming too overwhelming. There Alexander stood, in what his mind tricked him into believing was solitude; even if only for a few moments.

"You need to leave." the vampire finally mustered up the strength for a convincing command. Still, he'd not look at her. His plan? Wait it out until she leaves; until she's safely off the coven's territory. Only then would he return home. It was unfortunate that Valkyrie was not taking no for an answer. This coaxed yet another threat from the vampire. "I don't want you anymore. You're foolish to think a human would ever be something long-term with me. You'd never be good enough, even if I changed you. You're weak." That one hurt. It was evident by the looming silence that followed. Alexander still hadn't, he wouldn't turn around and look at her. More so, he couldn't bring himself to. Red orbs closed, regretting the words he'd just spoken, but hoping he'd come off convincing enough to deter her.

She was shuffling, Alexander could hear her movement but made no attempt to turn around. This was a mistake. A sharp strike to the back of the vampire's head broke the solitude. Alexander took a few staggering steps forward from the blow, crimson hues instinctively igniting. Whirling around, his vision's fog began to clear. What Alexander saw was the last thing he'd ever expected. His lover, Valkyrie, had been his aggressor. Something was wrong, something was very off. Her teeth bared as if a feral animal. The perfect golden irises he'd once gazed into were now ignited a bioluminescent shade of their original color. Streams of their sheen could be witnessed radiating from their location. Hands were open, fingers crooked as if she possessed claws, which unlike he, she did not. He'd never seen her this angry before; Alexander never saw anyone this angry before, to be frank. His own red orbs stared at her in bewilderment. "Val -"

His words were cut short as a third party joined. Flashing alongside him, another guardian of Alexander's coven had spotted the scenario ahead. Teeth and fangs bared, the coven mate charged Valkyrie, pummeling her from the branches and onto the ground below. "No, wait!" Alexander called out, reaching out a hand as if to call off what had reluctantly already begun. His eyes jittered back and forth between Valkyrie and his coven mate. He was mauling her, but she seemed unfazed as she clawed her way back. Like a switch flipped, Alexander knew what he needed to do.

Inhaling deeply with the oxygen his body no longer needed, Alexander bolted forward, claws exposed. One clean sweep and his coven mate's head was ripped from the rest of his body. The instant guilt tugged and twisted in his chest. What would he tell his coven mates? Pausing for a moment, Alexander brought his hand to better view in front of him. The fresh blood of his kin drained from claws down his palm. What had he done... And for what?

He'd no longer have time to think. A bloodied Valkyrie had yet again caught him off guard, clubbing him on the right side of his head with her own fist. This time, it was Alexander that took a tumble from the tree branch, landing on the forest floor below. "Valkyrie, stop!" The vampire called out. However, his lover didn't care to listen; something had triggered her, and she was in a fit of rage.

Valkyrie was lost. There was no reaching her, no penetrating the fog of rage that enveloped her. Alexander's pleas fell on deaf ears, his words swallowed by the tempest of her fury. With a graceful hand motion, sweeping in a circular arc, Alexander resorted to a measure he never thought he'd have to use. The same mental games he wielded to ensnare his prey, he now had to employ on his lover. Valkyrie's relentless strikes pummeled the ground, her focus singular and intense. Though nothing lay beneath her blows, in her mind, she was tearing him apart.


A distant voice called from behind, snapping the vampire's attention over his shoulder. "Shit," he muttered, crimson eyes darting back to Valkyrie. He retracted his claws and lifted his right hand, thumb, index, and middle finger rubbing together. His other hand extended towards his frenzied lover. Like a magician casting a spell, Alexander whispered, "Sleep, sleep, sleep," his voice a desperate plea.

After agonizing seconds, Valkyrie collapsed into unconsciousness. Alexander rushed to her side, stooping down to examine her for what he knew would be the last time. His throat tightened, and his eyes, pools of crimson, traced the lines of her body. He had brought peace to her chaos. His hand slid from her shoulder down her arm, intertwining their fingers. "I'm so sorry," he murmured.

The vampire's senses flared, drawing his attention to the newcomers. His coven had arrived, their presence a silent condemnation. His sire's gaze burned with anger and bloodlust as she looked from Valkyrie's prone form to the dead coven mate. Alexander had done this; he had brought this upon her and upon his family. What more could he do?


Scooping Valkyrie into his arms, Alexander tapped into his vampiric speed and fled, not daring to look back. Where would he take her? Where would they go? Regret gnawed at him as he glanced down at his sleeping lover. This truly was their last night together; their last moments. Even battered and bloodied, she radiated a beauty that took his breath away, the life she breathed into him, the peace she brought. When she awoke, he would be gone. She would remember him, but also the illusions he cast. Valkyrie would remember killing Alexander. It was for the best. She could stop pursuing him and start living for herself. She'd be safer without him. After wrestling with himself for two months, he chose this sacrifice to give her the best life.

The Hunter Society of Russia

"We made it," Alexander whispered, looking down at Valkyrie cradled in his arms, still fast asleep. What had realistically been a two-hour journey felt like mere minutes. Time truly flew when you wanted it to slow down. "You're among friends, family, and your own kind here," he spoke to her, hoping for a response, but knowing he wouldn't get one. "It's time to go."

Alexander knew the hunters had already picked up his trail on the outskirts of their territory. Once a hunter himself, he knew their sharpness. With great speed, he reached the closest entrance he could find. The headquarters had changed dramatically in his years away. As monsters grew more cunning, the Hunter Society advanced equally. A tall chain-link fence bordered a small supply room entrance. Gently, Alexander laid Valkyrie on the pavement. She'd be found soon after the hunters stopped pursuing him. Leaning forward, Alexander pressed a sorrow-filled kiss to her lips. A tear or two fell from his eyes, landing on her cheek. Pressing his forehead to hers, he inhaled her scent one last time before bolting into the night. His destination?

Far, far away.

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