(work in progress)
Two years shy of her high school graduation, lovestruck Naomi Zhukova had fallen in love with, unfortunately, the son of one of the most famous gang leaders in all of Russia. A year later and the girl dropped out of school because of her swollen belly, and months after, her luck had suddenly ran out. Of course, being the wife of this son, Naomi found herself abandoned by her parents and resorting to seeing more of the bottom of an empty bottle and seeing even more of a rough fist. Her life had turned upside down, and what was worse was now the fact that she had little to no chance at returning to the life that she had planned for. Her future. Her career. Her family. Naomi had unknowingly dug her own grave and couldn’t see the light from its depths. The baby that was her only hope, did not have any chance of surviving what she never thought would happen to her.
It was one stormy night, blue lightning flashing across the dark sky and a bloodied figure stumbling through the downpour with a dress hanging from their shoulders, one strap broken and blood leaking down pale skin and midnight black hair. It was in this madness, that the woman, just shy of being twenty, was on the brink of being consumed in the darkness that plagued her, that she believed she had created. But in the midst of blurred vision, she heard the wail of a baby just short of being 6 months old in an alleyway underneath a roof, crying in the middle of a basket and swaddled in a black blanket. Vibrant red locks and bewitching blue eyes that glowed in the darkness when they were not squeezing tightly from crying, was what the young girl discovered. And as she stumbled closer, pale, unscathed skin that seemed to glow vibrantly in the dark of the night.
With newfound hope for life and a second chance, Naomi ran away. From Moscow to St. Petersburg, she tried her best to raise Ashlynn as a single mother with little to no support. It was a long trek to their new destination, but they had to put as much space between them and Naomi’s past as much as possible. If there was trouble, they would cross the border into Finland to seek refuge. But unfortunately, they would never get that chance. Naomi tried her absolute best to take care of Ashlynn, but she felt like she had nothing to offer, and to work two to three jobs just to make ends meet in a shoddy apartment with a young babe? Some nights were just too much. Naomi had a habit of leaving for long periods of time, indecisive in taking up her role as a mother. This persisted for years until Ashlynn grew older and quite tired of the immature antics. She loved her mother, and she was loyal to a fault, but that did not meet that abandonment did not hurt. When Ashlynn was 10, she saw her mother less and less, growing quickly to being able to take care of herself. Running errands for a nearby family shop was enough to put a meal or two on the table every few days, but she wanted to keep going to school. Eventually, people began to notice a small redhead more often by herself than with a guardian. When Naomi returned one day, she would find their home empty; her motherhood had reached a quick conclusion.
Ashlynn was adopted by a kind, wealthy family whose mother only had one heir to their family legacy, -Aleksander. With reluctance, Ashlynn left the only woman she would ever consider her motherly figure, a place in her heart saved only for she, for the possibility of a fulfilling future only having to worry about achieving high marks in grade school . Naomi, of course, understood. Her mother never stood in the way of Ashlynn having an opportunity for a better future than the one she was trying to give her. Being apart was hard, but Naomi made sure to visit Ashlynn as much as she could. And she did, show up that is, until one day she didn't and Ashlynn never saw her again. It was hard to navigate the instability that trailed her mother, so Ashlynn didn't entirely blame her for not showing up anymore. It was then that she would begin to lean on the family that adopted her, and although her parents were constantly traveling, Ashlynn made quick friends with the waitstaff of her new home, and Aleksander. Aleksander and Ashlynn became inseparable and infamous at the same time, always trying to outdo eachother to see who would get the higher marks or who could cause the most trouble. For a few years, Ashlynn was able to enjoy the stability and structure of their family until Ashlynn began showing signs of a talent unbewknowst to her or her origin. Around 11, Aleksander first noticed that her eyes glowed a neon blue when Ashlynn became furious. At first, it was cool, and then it became frightening. A few months later, their families barn went up in flames. Aleksander took the blame. After that, it was a forest fire.
Tensions were growing high in the house with blame and consequences being thrown around carelessly. It began to worry Ashlynn and anxiety began to sow a seed deep in her heart. It only made her outbursts worse. Much worse. On her 12th birthday when she got into a fight with Aleksander, she hurt him beyond repair. But it wasn't her fault, she couldn't control the flames that manifested in her palms and consumed her brother. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't put out the flames. They were bright blue in the middle of the day and in front of the entire party of people that were invited over. From then on, her power only grew. The house was consumed in fire, the party decorations, the new barn, the nearby forest; it all became ash so quickly that Ashlynn barely processed what happened, even as the USSR took her away to try to weaponize her power.
It was a beautiful curse, but often led to many disciplinary actions being carried out on the young girl, with experiments that beat down her body and over time, made her grow stronger. Three years were spent in the underground facility, force fed by scientists and abused by chemicals as part of a government experiment. Her powers and body were tested beyond their limits, shaving away her humanity day by day in order to create a sentient weapon. It was at the age of that Ashlynn was rescued by a boy not much older than she. Akashi was his name, also known as 02, as she came to find out.
He was tall and powerful as he carved his way through the facility to save her from her own personal monsters. With the help of her own power, they were both able to crumble the entire government project before making their escape to a floating island in the Pacific. It was there that she learned the boy who had rescued her was a protege of a secret organization who had no loyalties to any nation in the world. Creed was a cut-throat organization committed to “ridding the world of filth”. 13 Equations made up the highest positions where failure was only acceptable if it resulted in death. Those whose paths led them to living on the island, meant that there was absolutely no trace of their past lives. No family. No money. No friends. They did not exist to the world. The world forgot about them. It was only then could they unleash their true potential, dealing out their own justice upon the rotten leaders of the world. It was only then that they had a place, as a Gifted One.
Ashlynn's cruel and unsual upbringing in the real world, was considered normal at her new place of work. Creed was an organization similar to the X-Mansion of the X-Men, except Creed had a mission. Creed had an ulterior agenda to recruit and harness the powers of those who are Gifted by giving them a purpose to redirect their revenge back unto the world. With so many corrupt leaders rising around the world, the only solution is to do what nobody else could: Rid the World of Filfth.
The organization operates on a floating island. their most recent coordinates placing them in the South Atlantic. The island is constantly moving under the cover of a Gifted's shield: 01. Although 01 was injured gravely, their power was still able to be harnessed to expand an energy shield encompassing the entire island. This now allows Creed to go undetected and unbothered.
Separate from the entire world, Creed could almost be considered a country in of itself. With farms, cafeterias, small community centers and a very small neighborhood, there is a population of 300 that keeps Creed floating, literally. Farmers, trainers, mechanics, engineers, accountants, Equations, etc. At the very top, there are 15 top positions in Creed called Equations, one of the only groups of people who leave the island daily to carry out their purpose. An elite squad of assassins. Ashlynn Darkshade, with her unknown origin, exceptional talent and intelligence, rose to the top as Equation 00, respectively. Unlike the others, Ashlynn was the youngest who ever started to train to become an Equation, making waves in the organization at just 15, she was cutting her way through the ranks. (in progress)
Ashlynn is now 28 years old and is one of few with the most seniority as an Equation. Sometime during her years on Creed, there's been reports of Demons tearing across the Earth plane. With their rapidly advancing technology, Ashlynn has taken it upon herself to open up a new division on Creed: Demon Hunters. As of right now, she is the only member of Creed who is freely traveling not only the world, but the universe, studying and eradicating demons and the evil supernatural from this plane.
You character is absolutely amazing! If you're accepting new storylines, please inbox me! I would love for a chance to build a character around your lore to do a storyline with you.
Hey M. Happy to see you're still doing RP! We have a lot to catch up on if you'd like to.
(Thanks for accepting my friend request! would love to chat and plot a possible roleplay in the future!)