
July 7

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Open

Character Age

23 (Mine my other characters vary)

Character Species

Human (mostly)

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status

I already have someone in mind guys chill

Character Appearance

From here on its info about the RP character of Katy Hair color: Blonde (ends sometimes turn pink) Eye color: Blue (turns pink) Race: White Other: Sometimes grows animal-like things (tail, ears, wings)

Character Personality

-Mostly chill -(if playing in semi-realistic verse) Has a deep secret -(if you allow me to be self aware) Very sarcastic when it comes to some aspects -Hates fighting but will do it for friends

Character Likes

-Big buff fictional men (JOKE) (Or is it…) -Creating characters for the sake of the Cyclopse guardian Yttria -Her besties ^w^ -Food

Character Dislikes

(For Katy) -When she gets terrible realistic dreams (ESPECIALLY about her friends) -When Yttria appears in said dreams -The feeling of helplessness -When her friends are sad

Character History/Story

(For Katy) Katy was a normal human girl until the day she turned 7. That is when the weird dreams started. She started making characters. It went normally… Until that one dream happened. The dream that showed Katy the truth of the fictional world. The dream started as normal, being related to Pokemon. But the pokemon in front of Katy, a Mewtwo, flashed before her eyes to be a cyclopse. The Cyclops at first wanted to kill Katy, then realized: If she can cause a cyclopse to reveal herself… …She is the key to saving the world if an inter dimensional war starts. On Earth, Katy is known as a chill woman who really doesnt put up fights, she writes stories with her friends and acts like a chill woman. But since 2010, she had another place in the fictional world to be… Where she was known as the Pink Angel.

Character Inventory

Pink Energy stone, chromebook, phone, earbuds

Character Abilites

-Pink Energy Transformation (allows Katy to transform, she mostly uses it to give herself wings or turn herself into a small animal for stealth) -Supernatural Cyclopse abilities (Ability to create and alter one world in the fictional universe, named Rona) -General strength

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, One-liners

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Comedy, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

Some of this is OOC already but i just want yall to know: Dont be that weird with mt characters guys

Earned points: 2

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru

Katy T. Biancca left a comment on Message Board
I dont know if im officially staying yet but I am hoping I can get a hang of this,…"
Apr 9, 2024
Katy T. Biancca is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Apr 9, 2024