


April 9

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Open

Character Age


Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Her dress is similar to the one she had been worn when she was a princess: She wore a white flowing gown with puffy shoulder pieces, an intricately decorated bodice with gold hoops, with the bust defined by two rows of golden beads. Trailing at the back, was a white gauzy, butterfly-shaped bow with long fluttery ribbons. Her crescent moon is always visible on her forehead and her platinum blonde hair is styled in two buns with long ponytails that flow to the floor, and she wore a pearl white tiara. Oddly, her hair is blonde like her younger self.

Character Personality

Neo-Queen Serenity is a wise and just ruler of her kingdom. When it comes to parenting, however, she is a semi-strict mother to her daughter Chibiusa, whom she is trying to teach and perfect into being the next Queen of the Moon and Earth. Whenever disaster strikes, she becomes more serious and defiant to use the Silver Crystal if the need arises.

Character Likes

Loves Endymion and Chibiusa and Her palace. Her family and loyal subjects

Character Dislikes

Her homeland being threatened by evil forces Prince Demande

Character History/Story

Neo-Queen Serenity stated that she had lost most of her powers as a Sailor Senshi as the price of becoming Queen, though what exactly that meant was never specified. This was why it was so imperative that her child awaken as a Senshi. Even without the ability to transform, Serenity still demonstrated great powers in the manga, such as the ability to upgrade the powers of the the twentieth-century Sailor Senshi.

Character Abilites

Just like her past self and as Sailor Moon, Neo-Queen Serenity is fully capable of using the Silver Crystal, though with more of a mastery to the point where she can heal the sick and wounded, return the dead to life, and even restore an entire world and its population to its original state without any ill effects. She can also utilize the healing abilities of the Spiral Heart Moon Rod to purify evil forces from people or annihilate evil adversaries. If needed, she can fully manifest her soul through Sailor Moon in an attempt to speak to others. She also possesses the ability to give fellow Sailor Senshi the ability to transform into more powerful evolutions of their standard Sailor forms.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Anime, 18+, Action

About the Writer (OOC)

I'm here to have fun in rp get my mind off rl but I do have an rl so if I don't respond I will get to you when I can.

Earned points: 0

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru


Friends (1)

Neo Queen Serenity and Gleeon are now friends
Oct 5, 2024
Neo Queen Serenity updated their profile photo
Apr 5, 2024
Neo Queen Serenity updated their profile photo
Apr 5, 2024
Neo Queen Serenity updated their profile photo
Apr 5, 2024
Neo Queen Serenity is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Apr 5, 2024