


Orinn Tarn

Captain of the Aspasia




Bounty Hunter








Physical traits

 Species: Half human and half Kathari

Height: 5'9" - 175 cm

Build: Slim and athletic with a defined chest, clawed slender fingers, and a thin furry tail.

Skin: Soft satin-like pale skin with mottled dark spots covering his shoulders, hairline, eyesockets, hands, feet, and tail.

Eyes: Dark scleras with light grey irises. In dim lighting, his pupils dilate to almost cover the entire iris, whereas in bright light, his pupils shrink to small dots.

Hair: Dark and very soft, similar to a cat's fur, and frames his angular face. His tail and elbows are covered in fur and he wears his hair pushed forward and to the side.

Notable Features: The most prominent feature may be his horns and elongated ears, hallmark traits of Kathari blood. His fingers and toes are clawed, and his tail ends in a furry tuft. 






Talents and Abilities

Agility: Being half Kathari allows Orinn to move at high speeds with immaculate precision. 

Strength: Having worked on a ship and handled heavy weaponry for most of his life, he's built up quite a bit of upper torso strength.

Ingenuity: Being part human comes with the inherent trait of Human ingenuity. He may not be too educated, but he learns quickly.

Intuity: Like humans, Kathari have fairly complex instinctual senses - though somewhat more attuned than that of humans

Electrokinesis: Orinn was born with a unique affiliation with electricity. He can sense electrical and magnetic currents and to some extent manipulate their paths with the help of specialised tools.




Survival skills: When Orinn was still young, he was left to his own devices and had to learn how to survive in a world that shows little kindness - especially to a small hybrid freak. He spent roughly two years surviving on a small mining colony before he made off with the Aspasia to pursue more lucrative endeavours. But even so, he's been mostly alone, save for a reptilian creature called 'Ketos'.

Technical know-how: Having spent 14 years with a crew of pirates, he's learned all the inner workings of both ships, weapons, explosives, and hacking devices. There are few things he cannot build in times of need. 

Charismatic: Orinn tends to be quite sociable and charming, with an element of mystery surrounding him. He plays himself up to be a dashing rogue who's been on countless exotic adventures. He's had to learn to be particularly charming to make up for his unusual appearance.

Gunslinger: Behind his playfulness and kindness lies someone who loves to cause as much mayhem as possible. Anything that can cause explosions will be right up his alley. He always carries two blaster pistols on him and is quick to draw. However, his favourite weapon is a grenade launcher with a top-mounted pan magazine which he calls "The Gorgon".





Overconfidence: Oftentimes, he'll overestimate what he can do, or at least underestimate the dangers of particular situations. He may be skilled, but he often ends up in trouble for not assessing the risks properly. 

Insecurity: Although he may come off as self-centred and conceited, it's mostly to mask the fact that he's very insecure about his appearance. Not quite human, not quite Kathari. He feels as if he doesn't fit into any group and no matter what he does, he'll always be too different.

Impulsivity: His Kathari genes cause him to be quick to act, sometimes too quick. It also makes him rather blunt and straightforward. Although he's quite charismatic, it's hard for him to make more meaningful connections due to his inability to restrain himself during conversations. 









Designer: VENN Corps.

Manufacturer: Coronet Spaceyards


Type: Light Freighter (originally), Pirate ship (Current)

Length: ~40 metres






 The Aspasia was originally launched as a small freighter-class vessel, intended to carry goods short distance between nearby colonies.
She's equipped with twin sublight thrusters paired with two interstellar hyperdrive thrusters that, together, make the Aspasia a surprisingly fast vehicle.
Due to this, she's able to swiftly breach planetary atmospheres to jump into hyperdrive to reach interstellar colonies in a matter of hours, or even minutes.
The downside to such powerful propulsion is that she needs to refuel frequently, making upkeep rather expensive if one intends to travel between star systems.
At the time of her launch, she was equipped with an extra cargo crane that could be used to transport extra cargo or to escort impaired vehicles. Although this function remains,
it's been retrofitted to house twin ballistic double turrets in place of an electromagnet. These ballistic turrets can penetrate most generated shields as well as cause minor hull breaches.
Where she used to be equipped with extra powerful tractor beams, are now two ionic railgun cannons capable of disabling other ships' and facilities' electrical grid.
Long-range communications antennae are equipped at the front of the ship, capable of interplanetary communications.
What was once a cargo container, has now been welded to the ship and retrofitted to serve as both cargo hold and crew's quarters.












Orinn's most loyal companion is a reptilian creature named 'Ketos' whom he rescued from a poaching ring, largely by mistake.
The two ended up making a great team and stuck together ever since, helping each other survive.

Ketos is a lanky reptilian with vaguely humanoid features. Their skeletal form may seem off-putting at first, but they're very intelligent and compassionate.
Ketos' tail makes up two-thirds of the body, and their neck is almost as thick as their torso.
Their bite is venomous and contains a slow-working toxin that dulls the senses and makes the victim sleepy.
They're a nocturnal ambush predator and prefer to stay out of direct light lest they become disoriented and weakened.









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  • Through his psychic senses, he could pick up on the half Kathari since they had a distinct presence, and Revei knew this being was one thanks to their messages back and forth. Perking his head up, said small being slid off that couch and headed down the promenade, thankfully the front reception desk wasn’t far. Since there weren’t large crowds at this time, he didn’t need to be as careful in avoiding somebody stepping on his feet.

    With how lightweight his steps were, hardly a sound was made when approaching Orinn from his right side, having just excited the promenade behind him upon making a left turn. The much shorter male cleared his throat when stepping within arm’s reach of him, turning his head up to gaze at him. His expression was mostly blank, indifferent.

    “Glad you showed up, Merc.”

    His voice sounded no different than that of a small child, albeit on the soft side, but this was normal for adults of his species, and why most didn’t take them seriously. As it turned out, his client was a Mici, a race of beings known for resembling living plushies that always gave people free hugs, among other things. Unlike the rest of his people, he wasn’t all cheery and energetic, nor smiling, but he was still adorable behind measure, visually.

    “Walk with me, names Revei by the way.”

    Using a hand motion, the White Reaper gestured for him to follow, leading the Kathari half-breed toward the promenade hallway. As they moved about at a slow pace, heading toward the hotel’s convention center, the Mici spoke.

    “I’ll give you a rundown of the assignment. If you’re still interested in going through with this, I can brief you thoroughly aboard my own ship. The mission: Attack and capture an armory stronghold on Tundra in the Kalos system. It’s an icy planet rich in metals and run by independent colonies. The Armory itself is owned by Tolvich Morconis, a powerful syndicate leader who profits off selling women to the sex trade industry.  The goal: Kill all on-site security, and steal the armory’s contents.”

    Glancing over to Orrinn, Revei resumed after a brief pause.

    “One of Tolvich’s higher-ups will be there for a party, so I’d like to take him out while he’s there. It’s a dangerous job: The place is heavily guarded and protected by heavy missile turrets that’ll need to be destroyed. So if you have a small craft or something with sufficient firepower, it should take care of the gun problem.”

  • For the most part, the White Reaper always went about his operations solo, having honed his skills in combat over the many decades of his life. Such raids against traffickers could be as small as assassinating one pimp, to demolishing an entire compound filled with armed guards. Some even went as far as attacking larger transports to execute his targets if they didn’t have the means of defeating his stellar craft.

    His next target: Kenny Brelenda, a well-established and wealthy syndicate leader who made his profits at the expense of selling Terran women and children for paying customers. Such a vile man was no amateur either, he had his own private security force, a fleet of interstellar vessels, and several properties across multiple backwater colonies, Rightfully so, he was very much feared by anyone who lived in proximity to one of his human smuggling operations.

    There was a major problem with going after him and his goons- The man had defenses and security so great that not even Revei could get through it, not unassisted at least. He was going to need help for such an operation, hired guns perhaps. His options were contemplated. Before long, it was decided that he’d be making a posting on a Mercinary board with a hefty paycheck for any interested parties.

    Eventually, one was found. It was Terran male, a very reputable one shockingly. The blighted Mici gave it some thought and accepted him. After getting into contact over the Exo-net, he sent the man instructions on where to meet him to discuss further and brief him on this job, just to avoid the risk of authorities taking notice.

    Their meeting location: Neptune, out in the Sol System. More specifically: Aureus City, a local gas mine inside the ice giant’s atmosphere; a structure so massive that it held an entire metropolis under it, suspended under a gargantuan tether. It was a place Revei frequented during his spare time due to a particular convention being hosted there, and he felt comfortable enough with meeting his potential business partner.

    With a date, time, and exact spot provided, he went through with his travel plans and headed that way, having booked a room in advance. Hopefully, this mystery man will also be there and keep his promise.

    . . .

    On that fateful day, the blighted Mici had arrived at a local jump gate. His course was altered, taking his small craft directly into the ice giant’s atmosphere. Thankful his vehicle had a deflector array to keep it from being torn apart by Neptune’s murderous winds, which made safe travel impossible without it.

    The gas mine itself was an absolute behemoth: A titanic structure shaped like a saucer, held in place by a tether that went straight into orbit. A series of towers was suspended beneath it, hanging upside down like an array of chandeliers, or as some would call it: A chandelier city. On each side of the primary structure were far ginormous entry doors, huge enough to accommodate large ships if required. On its exterior, multiple air intakes redirected the planet’s ferocious winds to use for cheap power.

    The interior of Aureus City was a whole other wonder: A very large community of Terrans and the occasional extraterrestrial were present, both workers of the gas mine itself, in addition to people who staffed local businesses. Such an enormous place even had tourism of all things, entertainment areas also had a presence.

    Shortly after docking inside a hangar up top, Revei had put on a decorative white cloak and headed down, making his way to one of the hotels they’d be meeting at. Avoiding people who wanted to squish his cheeks was always a challenge.

    Just a few minutes ahead of their scheduled meetup, the Mici arrived at a long, public corridor in proximity to the Inn, which had an assortment of windows that gave an excellent view of Neptune’s ominous skybox. Upon finding a cushioned bench, he’d climb onto it and sit comfortably, soon bunching on some Mici candy he bought from a local merchant.

    The next few minutes were spent enjoying his snack while gazing out a window, where constant flashes of lightning illuminated the heavens, which consisted of dark gray and blue clouds alike, which seemed to be endless since there was no surface in a world like Neptune. His expression remained neutral the whole time to avoid attention.

    Now that he was at his designated spot, he waited for Orinn’s arrival.



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"“Strap in, Ketos, we’re approaching the city now.” the Kathari half-breed said, gesturing for his…"
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