Common Definitions:
- SCIONS OF NYX - Direct descendants of the Goddess of Night & Blood Goddess.
- BLOOD OF NYX - Refers to all turned Vampyrs that are not direct descendants. A term of endearment of Vampyr to their kind. Unspoken around any of the Order.
- ICHOR OF NYX - The blood of the Goddess used to create more Vampyr. When the blood of Nyx is shared directly from the Regent it is the highest honor and bestowal of power to a human. The resulting Vampyr can be one of the few turned Vamyr to compete to be Regent.
- FLEDGLINGS - Newly turned vampires, often uncontrollable in their hunger and rage
- THRALL - A human "slave"claimed by a Vampyr. Mostly done by consent. Can be used for feeding, sex, or as spies
- BLOOD OATH - A binding pledge made with blood of one Vampyr to another, and the Scion Regent to her court. The oath allows the Regent to communicate mentally and both give and receive energy to all in her court.
- VOLAKIRI: [Redacted]
- HAVEN - The individual or group home or lair. It is punishable by death to desecrate a nest
- ELYSIUM - Sacred gathering place for rituals and rites. Also typically a safe place. Home of the Vampyr court.
- ABSOLOM - Name of the sacred city of the Blood Goddess.
- Volakiri: Due to the Yin and Yang nature of Vampyr and Oathbound a very special connection can be formed between the pair. If a Vampyr and a Celestial exchange blood a bond is created, a link between the two that is forever unbreakable and comes with many benefits for both. Though the Vampyr are weakened by Celestial energy, a hit of blood from their Volakiri can strengthen the Vampyr and vise versa. A bonding will only be embarked on when both parties are in complete agreement and a connection is palpable between the pair. - their version of a blood bond
- Sacrament of Nyx -
- The Book of Blood - Sacred recollections and written records of the Ichorlines.