Vampyr are creatures of shadow, born from the darkness they are as much a part of it as it is of them. During the night Vampyr can essentially disappear from sight, melding with the shadows at will. Court Vampyr have even been known to command the shadows with such mastery they can also hide up to two other individuals along with themselves.
Vampyr senses depend greatly on the time of day. During the hours of night the senses of smell, sight, and hearing are enhanced. Their sight is far better than a raptor’s and can switch between normal and infrared at will, they can identify a supernatural by scent and are able to catch scents within a couple of miles, and hearing is even more acute. In addition the Vampyr have superspeed that they can utilize during the hour of the night, enabling them to traverse a mile in the blink of an eye. During the day when the sun is out however Vampyr sight drops to human levels and superspeed is unable to be used.
Vampyr do need blood in order to survive, though the amount is a minimal pint a month. Like anything blood must be taken in moderation, too much can cause a sort of drunken state that may lead to an addiction. Vampyr who become addicted to blood often lose their ability to see reason and become much like the Vampyrs of legend. In some cases a Vampyr can be rehabilitated and in other cases the Vampyr would need to be put down for the protection of all.
Vampyr are immortal, from the moment they are brought back they take on new life. As long as something does not destroy it a Vampyr can live for as long as he or she wishes. Vampyr are immune to any and all diseases.
The leader of the Vampyr, commonly referred to as Regent, can sense each member of the species. She can sense where any member of her species are in the world, and knows the exact moment a member dies. Likewise she is aware of when a new Vampyr is created and by whom. All other Vampyr feel a pull towards the Regent.
Turning: Creating a new Vampyr can only be done on an individual who is medically deceased, having died from either natural or unnatural means. The process begins with the Vampyr giving the deceased blood from a vein, most often the wrist and infusing the blood with Shadow Energy. This process is done on instinct for the Vampyr, once a decision is made to convert an individual the rest comes naturally. The conversion is painless for the turned individual, despite the physiology of the body changing completely. Once awakened a fledgling should feed within the first 24 hours and be monitored closely for the following year. Another side effect of the turning includes an instinct to preserve the secret of the supernatural. Most Vampyr feel an intense urge to leave their old life behind, to the point of feeling extreme sadness that can lead to sickness within the Vampyr that is only treatable with distance. Vampyr with supernatural family members do not feel this urge, as all supernatural's are charged with keeping the secret.