January 1
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Character Age
Character Species
Character Gender
Character Relationship Status
Character Appearance
Dark skin with very faint purple highlights, long white loose and braided hair, orange-amber eyes. Athletic, fit. Often seen wearing loose-fitting clothing of silk or drow studded-leather armor.
Character Personality
Stoic, soft-spoken.
Character Likes
Black tea
Training his psionic ability
Character History/Story
Mi'Cajah(me-kah-jaa) was once a warrior of the noble drow house Kilsek, serving Matron-Mother Ilutiel faithfully. Theirs was a house of knowledge. The arcane, the mysteries of nature, and the locked away secrets of the underdark and its denizens. House Kilsek had long fostered an alliance with the elder illithid Gizixt, brood master of the colony-city of Errtalenuu, trading slaves to the mind flayers for rare spell components or archaic esoterica and rare literary works. Mi'Cajah served as the guardian of the head custodian of the Grand Library of Ilithlenor and drew the attention and ire of one of Matron-Mother Ilutiel's handmaidens by not reciprocating her advances. Spurned, she accused him of consorting with the Truth Seeker(spymaster) of House Tormtor. Being that a female spoke against a male, Mi'Cajah had no ground to stand on and was summarily collected and added to the next group of slaves sent to Gizixt's colony.
His stay in the pits of Errtalenuu would be short-lived, and as tentacles wrapped their way around his head, seconds before his brain became food for a mind flayer, he unknowingly sent a psychic scream into the mind of the creature about to devour him. It didn't kill the illithid, and in truth didn't even harm it, but it was enough to get its attention and keep the beak beneath the tentacles from cracking open his skull like a walnut shell. The years that followed weren't kind as he was made into a guardian for the illithid who had nearly ended his life, and there were countless days when Mi'Cajah wished that it had. He grew adept at the Silent Voice, psionics - so much so that he was collared with a dampener to prevent him from harming his master or others of the colony.
The trial of his escape was a dangerous and lengthy one, spending months in hiding or on the run through tunnels, caverns and endless depths of darkness, where even the flora of the underdark could kill. Through some grace of a god or pure luck, while fleeing a hunting pack of illithid, as he was crossing a ravine he fell into its rushing waters, getting swept away. He rode the currents for hours and who knows how many miles, until being pulled down a hidden waterfall and winding upon the shore of a vast cavern. Within it stood a great and massive tower, shaped like a naturally formed crystal, yet constructed from a strange black substance. Obsidian, perhaps, yet it radiated magic.
Mi'Cajah has resided there since, living off of the underground river's bounty of fish, the fungi from the cavern floor, and the occasional hunting excursion to bring back red meat of some kind. He doesn't know if Gizixt's trackers will ever find him, but he trains his skill in the Silent Voice every single day, sometimes unto exhaustion, while also training his body in the martial arts of House Kilsek's marauders.
Character Abilites
Skilled hand-to-hand combatant, trained in grappling, striking and numerous holds, along with multiple types of weaponry learned during his time in service to House Kilsek.
Forth Circle Psion, skilled in the five disciplines of the Silent Voice, yet specialized in psychokinesis and psychometabolism.
Writer's Writing Style (OOC)
Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella
Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)
Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Action, Adventure
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Earned points: 4
Thank you for the kind words! No rush, take your time!
~ooc~i love the work on your page now. information that will help me with the starter i owe. i have not forgotten about that. my job takes a lot of time out of me in intravals. please bare with me and thank you for the offer to write together~